
Lucid Dreams - Extended

Andreas Jorns

„Caught between two realities“

"Lucid" dreaming is a word society has registered to exist but not many people know its exact meaning.

Dreams are their very own tool of communication, a language without grammar, syntax or phonetic. Since the beginning of time, the mystery of the dream and its origin is something people from all around the world try to understand. It's a puzzle, more so an exhausting challenge, not only for those who dream but also for those who are trying to find a universal explanation of this phenomenon.

Andreas Jorns understands how to use the elements of this language and how to make them tangible for us un his photographs. Together with the protagonist, Anna Röttger, he succeeds to combine two contrasting worlds, dream and conscious state, and to display them in beautiful narrative images.

During this artistic collaboration you can notice the added dimension, the complexity and versatility dreams reflect on us. Lucid Dreams does not only show us the dreamy and idyllic sides, but more so allow a view of the mysterious and dark parts of dreams. Similar to a nightmare, all you want to do is escape and wake up but you can't, you end up being caught in fascinating but frightful surroundings.

Hidden in the shadows of huge black angel wings or surrounded by slender appearances with eagle heads - lucid dreams don't always have to make sense, but shape us with their realistic impressions of lifelike scenarios and specific details. They let us travel to places which make us feel at home or the complete opposite - childhood surroundings with limitless possibilities or even repressed memories.

While some people try to learn how to have lucid dreams every night, Anna tries to escape them. Sometimes she can not differ between dream and reality anymore, which can leave her in utter confusion after her wakening. Andreas Jorns was by her side for months to document how the young woman is fighting with the anarchic dream world. Their honest friendship and deep trust built the foundations for this powerful and authentic project. After one year of intensive work, many discoveries, creativity and reflections, Andreas and Anna finally finished this complex project together.

With Andreas Jorns behind the camera and Anna Röttger as protagonist we are diving into a world which couldn't be any more different from our own reality. Join us on this captivating journey into the unknown, which could have not been photographed in a more interesting and intense way.

Andreas Jorns "Lucid Dreams - Extended"
10/28/2023 - 02/03/2024
Leica Gallery Nuremberg