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Leica Picture of the Year

Since 2021, Leica Camera AG has been choosing a Leica Picture of the Year taken by outstanding Leica photographers, who have been inducted into the Leica Hall of Fame. To date, twelve renowned photographers have been honored with the Leica Hall of Fame award. With the aim of sharing a piece of this success with all Leica enthusiasts, each Leica Picture of the Year will be on offer exclusively at all Leica Galleries worldwide. These limited editions grant collectors and Leica friends alike the chance to build up a unique collection of great Leica photographs.

Winner Leica Picture of the Year 2023

Elliot Erwitt

The Leica Picture of the Year 2023 is an iconic shot by photographer Elliott Erwitt, which has also been on display in the Leica Hall of Fame exhibition at Leica Galerie Wetzlar since the Celebration of Photography. The black-and-white photograph was taken in New York City in 2000.

“Many of the dogs pictured must have looked appealing to me in their exotic settings, other dogs were appealing in reasonably well-composed photographs and some others seemed to transcend their easy obvious charm and to have allegorical connotations to us humans and our human condition. As I think about this now, my comments don’t sound particularly surprising. I don’t know of any other animals closer to us in qualities of heart, sentiment, and loyalty. Some people say elephants come close. Personally, I find elephants too bulky, unwieldy, and inaccessible for everyday photography and not at all cuddly or attractive with those big long noses. Besides, they do not roam the streets in every town and country like dogs do. And dogs make easy, uncomplaining targets without the self-conscious hang-ups and possible objections of humans caught on film.” Elliott Erwitt


Leica Picture of the Year photographers from previous years


Thomas Hoepker

The 2022 Leica Picture of the Year is an iconic image by German photographer Thomas Hoepker and was featured in the extensive retrospective Thomas Hoepker – Image Maker at the Ernst Leitz Museum Wetzlar. The black and white photo was taken during a road trip that Hoepker took for a few months in 1963.


Ralph Gibson

The photographer, born in Los Angeles in 1939, is one of the most important style-setting photographers of his generation. To this day, Ralph Gibson's visual language is as individual as it is timeless. Often close to the object, he brings his motifs into a fascinating interplay of abstraction and figuration.
On November 4, 2021, Leica Camera AG presented Ralph Gibson with the Leica Hall of Fame Award in Wetzlar.