Counterstatement of Leica Camera AG of the Article „The Insider“ from May 18, 2023

Wetzlar, May 23

Leica Camera AG firmly rejects the allegations mentioned in the article of "THE INSIDER" of 18 May 2023 regarding support for the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The statement that Leica Camera AG has continued to supply products for civil use to Russia despite the official announcement of an export stop is false. The last delivery of the products mentioned in the article to the Russian subsidiary took place at the end of February 2022 and thus indicates that shortly after the outbreak of the Russian war of aggression Leica Camera AG promptly implemented all relevant measures to obey the voluntary export ban. This also includes the closure of the Leica Store in Moscow and the decided implementation of the liquidation of the company Leica Russia at the end of 2022. Leica Camera AG has thus fully withdrawn from the Russian market, support of the Russian war of aggression is therefore purely factually impossible. Leica Camera AG has also at no time, as also mentioned in the article, circumvented any sanctions provisions.

Moreover, the products mentioned in the article are purely for civilian use in the field of application for hunters and sport shooters. In accordance with an updated resolution of the Board of Management in August 2022 all companies of Leica Camera AG are prohibited from bringing devices and applications for military use onto the market.

The projects for economic cooperation with Russian companies mentioned in the report took place in a phase before the Ukraine war and have been completed for some time. The nature of the cooperation has been purely related to the use of civilian applications in the field of photography.

The activities of Leica Geosystems AG mentioned in the article are in no way related to Leica Camera AG, as they are two legally separate and economically independent companies.

Leica Camera AG reserves the right to take possible legal action due to the dissemination of false statements.

Finally, it should be noted that the online platform "The Insider" does not provide any information about the specific author of the article, respectively there is no imprint.

Counterstatement of Leica Camera AG 2023 05 23.pdf
pdf (63.1 KB)

라이카 카메라 – 사진의 동반자

라이카 카메라 AG는 세계적인 프리미엄 카메라, 스포츠 옵틱스 제조사 입니다. 라이카 브랜드의 전설적인 명성은 오랜 전통을 자랑하는 장인정신과 독보적인 퀄리티, 독일의 인더스트리얼 디자인과 혁신적 기술의 조합을 바탕으로 하고 있습니다. 라이카 문화의 핵심은 사진 문화 발전을 위해 브랜드가 다양한 활동을 펼치고 있다는 점 입니다. 전세계에서 만나볼 수 있는 라이카 갤러리와 라이카 아카데미, 공로상에 해당하는 라이카 명예의 전당 (Leica Hall of Fame Award)과 매년 전문 작가와 신진 작가를 지원하기 위해 진행되는 라이카 오스카 바르낙 어워드 (Leica Oskar Barnack Award “LOBA”)는 현존하는 사진상 중 가장 혁신적인 스폰서십을 제공하는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 이 외에도 독일의 헤센(Hessen) 주 베츨라(Wetzlar) 시에 위치한 라이카 카메라 AG 본사는 포르투갈의 Nova de Famalicão에 제2공장을 가지고 있으며, 전세계의 지사 네트워크를 관리하며 라이카 리테일 스토어를 운영하고 있습니다.