Leica Hall of Fame Award

A tribute to outstanding photographers
Portrait of Picture of the Year winner Herlinde Koelbl.




Herlinde Koelbl

Herlinde Koelbl was born on 31st October 1939 in Lindau. After first studying fashion, it was in the mid seventies that she discovered photography as her creative medium of expression. She subsequently began to work on assignments for magazines, as well as creating an enormously productive series of publications of her own long-term photographic projects, which were often accompanied by interviews. Some of the projects also resulted in documentary films. Her sensitive and often philosophical interviews appeared regularly in the ZEITmagazin. Her 35mm-range work was primarily carried out with Leica cameras, and her medium format with a Hasselblad. Koelbl has published more than 20 photo books and has received numerous awards, including the Medal of Excellence (1987), the Dr Erich Salomon Prize of the DGPh (2001), the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2009) and the Bavarian Order of Merit (2013). She lives and works in Neuried near Munich.

10 New York City, USA 1999 © Elliott Erwitt_MAGNUM PHOTOS

10 New York City, USA 1999 © Elliott Erwitt_MAGNUM PHOTOS

Elliott Erwitt

“I don't take pictures of dogs. To me, dogs are people.”

Elliott Erwitt is considered one of the world's best-known photographers. His works, which are mostly in black and white feature not only prominent personalities but also memorable moments in contemporary history, are considered modern masterpieces of photography. As a self-confessed dog fan, the four-legged friends also play a special role in his photographic work. The subtle humor in many of his images is Elliott Erwitt's trademark. He was born in Paris on July 26, 1928, the son of Russian immigrants, and spent his childhood in Milan. In 1939 the family emigrated, via France, to the USA. The passionate cosmopolitan returned again and again to the metropolis on the Seine, the scene of some of his first photographic excursions in the 1940s and the founding headquarters of the Magnum - always with his Leica.

Ralph Gibson


拉爾夫·吉布森善用獨特的個人風格以清晰精確的視覺語言呈現抽象、超現實的畫面。六十多年來,他使用多款徠卡相機創作了大量獨立主題影像、系列攝影作品以及攝影集。上世紀六十年代,吉布森曾作為助手跟隨多蘿西·蘭格(Dorothea Lange)和羅伯特·弗蘭克(Robert Frank)工作。在二者的影響和歐洲電影、文學與音樂啓發下,1939年出生的吉布森用強烈的對比、分明的輪廓以及視覺暗示構建起個人美學。作為攝影師,吉布森已出版多部攝影集,同時,身為出版者的他極大地推廣了藝術攝影。

Walter Vogel

Walter Vogel – his repertoire of subjects is diverse, and his style is unmistakeable. Whether as a chronicler of the social background of the Ruhr Region, a cosmopolitan travel photographer, an avid fan of the circus, a nighthawk of the cabaret and night club scene or a lover of espresso coffee: the experienced eye and perfect precision with which he documents his times in unforgettable images is instantly recognisable. 

Although Walter Vogel is today seen as one of Germany’s greatest reportage photographers, his way to photography, or rather the courage he showed in making a profession out of his passion for photography, began at a relatively late period in his life. Despite having discovered his interest in photography in his youth, he concentrated on his education and later worked for many years as an engineer in the chemicals industry. He diligently saved the money he earned during his apprenticeship as a machine fitter and, by 1954, was already able to afford a Leica IIf.

His profession took a new direction at the age of thirty: Vogel enrolled to study photography under Otto Steinert at the Folkwangschule in Essen. He began work as a freelance photographer after completing his exams and, alongside advertising and fashion photography, magazine photography then became one of the mainstays of his work. With his first self-published book (For Sale, 1980), Vogel discovered a new role, as the author of the text accompanying his pictures. His espresso book, published in 1993, marked his breakthrough in the world of publishing. Although this project was also uncommissioned, Vogel’s instinct for the subject subsequently triggered a whole series of publications about the world of coffee – long before it became a lifestyle trend. A multitude of photo books reflecting the entire spectrum of his work has since been published. With a visual language characterised by authenticity, precision and sometimes by sublime humour, Vogel is one of the great German photographers of the analogue age – the Leica Hall of Fame Award expresses and confirms the appreciation and recognition of the photographer and his work over a period of more than fifty years.

Jürgen Schadeberg

無論是將Miriam Makeba在舞臺上的演出照片,還是拿他著名的曼德拉透過監獄鐵欄杆眺望的照片作為例子,我們都看到JürgenSchadeberg從未失去他對世界的人文主義觀點。他的許多照片都成了永恆的經典。 2018年11月15日,JürgenSchadeberg因其七十多年的終身工作,以及作為攝影師的不懈,勇敢和同樣出色的參與而榮獲徠卡名人堂獎。JürgenSchadeberg于1931年出生于柏林。從1946年起,他進入該市的“光學與光學技術學院”進行學習,後來在漢堡為德國新聞社(dpa - 德國新聞社)工作。1950年,他移民到南非。 他曾在南非黑人人口最多的報社 - Drum Magazine工作,直到1959年。他從1964年起在歐洲和美國工作,同時也是各大學的講師。 他於1985年回到南非並在那裡生活到2007年。今天,JürgenSchadeberg和他的妻子住在西班牙。

Bruce Davidson

2018年6月,徠卡相機股份公司將在徠卡名人堂中為Bruce Davidson的生平作品致敬 - 這是一位傑出攝影師的榮譽,他的攝影改變了世界,觸動了各地的心靈。

Bruce Davidson,1933年9月5日出生於伊利諾伊州,住在紐約市,並在十歲時開始拍照。在高中的最後一年,他獲得了柯達國立高中攝影獎動物生活類一等獎。他於1951年至1954年在羅切斯特理工學院學習攝影,畢業後開始在Eastman Kodak擔任暗房技師。他繼續在耶魯大學設計學院學習,並於1955年從那裡畢業。自1959年以來,他一直是Magnum的正式成員。他的第一次個人展於1963年在紐約MOMA開幕。 1966年他開始了他的項目'East 100th Street’。他早已經獲得了無數的獎項與嘉獎。

Gianni Berengo Gardin

Gianni Berengo Gardin的作品,可能是戰後最受好評的義大利攝影師,於2017年11月15日榮獲徕卡相機股份公司在羅馬舉辦的徠卡名人堂獎。

Gianni Berengo Gardin於1930年10月10日出生於Santa Margherita(Liguria),並在羅馬度過童年。 第二次世界大戰結束後,他和家人搬到了威尼斯。Berengo Gardin是一名業餘攝影師,從青年時期開始,他決定從事專業攝影事業,直到1965年擔任Il Mondo雜誌的攝影記者。1964年搬到米蘭後,他成立了時裝工作室, 廣告和靜物攝影。Berengo Gardin出版了大約200本書,並因其作品獲得了多個獎項,其中包括1990年的PrixBrassaï和1995年的徠卡 Oskar Barnack獎。

Joel Meyerowitz

備受讚譽的攝影師Joel Meyerowitz獲得了徠卡名人堂獎以及2017年1月18日徠卡相機股份公司舉辦的“攝影慶典”活動中的重要展覽而獲獎。

Joel Meyerowitz於1938年出生於紐約,在布朗克斯長大。他學習繪畫,最初擔任廣告藝術總監。1962年,梅耶羅維茨開始拍攝35毫米彩色膠卷。第二年,他又用黑白交替拍攝,然後回歸到豐富的彩色故事。紐約一直是他作為攝影師生活的主要焦點 - 從他1960年的早期作品到他在911事件後,在世貿遺址拍攝的令人回味的畫面。Meyerowitz在紐約和托斯卡納生活和工作。

Ara Güler

著名的Magnum攝影師AraGüler的終身作品榮獲徠卡名人堂獎,他的攝影作品在2016年photokina的徠卡大師攝影畫廊舉辦的大型展覽中得到了慶祝。AraGüler,可以說是土耳其最傑出的攝影師,60多年來,他在伊斯坦布爾市,他的出生地和家中,描繪了令人印象深刻的生活。 他因其在1950年和1960年代博斯普魯斯海峽沿岸的大都市拍攝的無與倫比的黑白照片而聞名於世。 AraGüler(87)也因其作為記者和攝影記者在世界各地的政治事務工作以及與當時許多著名政治家和藝術家的攝影採訪而聞名,例如SalvadorDalí,Marc Chagall,Alfred Hitchcock,Willy Brandt,Maria Callas,Bertrand Russell,Pablo Picasso,Indira Gandhi和Winston Churchill。

Thomas Hoepker

徠卡相機股份公司今年不僅僅是慶祝徠卡的百年傳奇,也是經典產品旁軸相機徠卡 M的60週年紀念。在此同時,我們也向Thomas Hoepker致敬,授予名人堂獎項,為他在20世紀後半的紀實攝影及拍攝人像和現代歷史的貢獻表達敬意。 Hoepker從1962年開始他環遊世界的旅程,在途中拍下的影像記錄,直至今日還令人印象深刻。例如拳王阿里的肖像和舉世矚目的燃燒中的紐約世貿中心:作品中一群看似開心無憂的年輕人和後方哀痛的事件形成了強烈的對比。

René Burri

瑞士攝影師René Burri被認為是20世紀和21世紀最著名、最受人尊敬的攝影師之一。他拍攝令人回味的柏林圍牆前後的照片,以及具有指標性的肖像照片,比如畢卡索、賈科梅蒂、柯布西耶、切·格瓦拉等。可以說他的作品是當代寶貴歷史文件的代表。 2013年6月26日,徠卡相機全球理事會主席Dr. Andreas Kaufmann在徠卡相機公司和蘇黎世藝術大學邀請的眾多來賓面前,贈送給René Burri一台徠卡 M Monochrom。

Nick Út

在2012年科隆世界影像博覽會,越南攝影師Nick Út以一張著名的戰地照片獲得了徠卡名人堂獎。從1972年6月8日起他的攝影圖像被形容為攝影的永恆象徵。在越南Trag Bang鎮上4個凝固汽油彈被引爆的幾分鐘後,越南受害者十分懼怕,尖叫的孩童和全身赤裸、遭受凝固汽油彈嚴重燒傷的9歲Kim Phuc正在跑向等待的記者。 Nick Út用他的徠卡 M2拍下了他們正朝著記者們跑去這一瞬間,從而振興反戰運動,並最終獲得普立茲獎。

Barbara Klemm

Klemm是一位法蘭克福匯報(FAZ)的長期期刊攝影師,她的攝影主要記錄一系列政治、精緻和社會運動。「在她拍攝的人像照中,顯示了她對人物和局勢的尊重。這是為什麼她能成為一位出色的攝影師的眾多原因之一。她用徠卡拍攝的照片,獲得名人堂獎是實至名歸。」徠卡相機全球理事會主席Dr. Andreas Kaufmann說道。無論是學生運動,冷戰,柏林圍牆倒塌,柯爾時代或是現代德國,Klemm都設法在膠捲上捕捉每一個時刻的永恆瞬間。

Steve McCurry

三十多年來,62歲的McCurry持續在世界各個動盪地區以紀實攝影師的身分活動,他的作品也獲得了許多獎項。關於蘇聯入侵阿富汗的紀錄片替他打響了國際聲譽,除此之外,他也拍攝了伊朗伊拉克戰爭、海灣戰爭、南斯拉夫戰爭,並從黎巴嫩、西藏、葉門和柬埔寨發送報導。他最著名的照片應該是「阿富汗少女」(Sharbat Gul)──拍攝於1984年的一座難民營。從1986年起,Steve McCurry就是著名的馬格蘭攝影通訊社成員之一。

Leica Picture of the Year 2024 showing a flower close-up.

@Herlinde Koelbl



2024徠卡年度照片 by Herlinde Koelbl