

M11-P silver and black edition.

Available in matte black or silver chrome

Top cover and the bottom plate are milled from aluminum in the matte black version and from brass blocks in the silver chrome camera version.  

Exclusively designed Full-frame M-Sensor

with Triple Resolution Technology. 
Produce brilliant images in 60, 36 or 18 megapixels. With a ISO sensitivity ranging from native ISO 64 to ISO 50000, your M-photography excels in any lighting conditions. 


The high-performance processor of the M11 Family features excellent noise characteristics, superb color reproduction, and fast operation, complemented by its 3GB large buffer memory.

Intuitive user interface

Everything about the M11 Family is designed to focus on the essentials. In addition to a comfortable and intuitive menu navigation, the camera's control buttons can be customized to suit individual preferences.

USB-C port and high-capacity battery

All models in the M11 Family are highly energy-efficient operating cameras, allowing for extended photography sessions thanks to their powerful battery. Additionally, the USB-C port enables charging with most USB-C chargers.

Made for iPhone® / iPad® and firmware updates via app

All Leica M11 Cameras are certified Made for iPhone® and iPad® products. As such, they offer a convenient cable connection to iPhones and iPads. Additionally, firmware updates can be wirelessly performed using the Leica FOTOS app.



隨時隨地輕鬆連接徠卡M11-P。通過藍牙或USB-C接口,即可快速將照片傳輸至徠卡FOTOS應用程序。配對成功後,還能使用應用程序控制徠卡M11-P,並直接在Capture One Pro、Adobe Lightroom或Darkroom應用程序中編輯照片。強大連通性助力優化移動工作流程。作為蘋果認證的「Made for iPhone®和iPad®」設備,徠卡M11-P還可使用附帶的徠卡FOTOS數據線直接與蘋果設備相連。

Leica M11

Leica M11

Discover the iconic rangefinder camera that founded the M11 family.

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鏡頭的品質是相機的靈魂所在。150多年來,徠卡始終致力於製造卓越的高性能鏡頭,使其足以與M11 系列的高分辨率傳感器相得益彰。因此,這台相機和傳奇的M鏡頭能完美適配,共同打造非凡的圖像品質。




通過「徠卡內容憑證」功能,拍下的每張照片都會帶有符合CAI資質的數字簽名。通過訪問網站 contentcredentials.org/verify 或徠卡FOTOS應用程序,可隨時輕鬆驗證照片真實性。

Leica M11 silver and Leica Summilux-M standing on LFI magazines on a table.

Excellence in rangefinder photography


Leica M11 Family


Whether you are an experienced Leica user or an intrigued beginner, understanding the differences between each M11 camera will help you find the right one to best suit your photographic journey.

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