
#LeicaEDC #PointAndShoot
與我們分享你的日常攜帶物品吧!打開相機包,展示你個人最喜愛的日常攜帶物品,或分享攜帶相機時拍到的照片。在Instagram照片上加上 #LeicaEDC #PointAndShoot 標籤,向我們展示你鏡頭下的世界吧!

I have been using D-Lux cameras from series 4 to 7 and own different versions of them. It represents my photography and lifestyle. D-Lux is my history as a photographer.”
Jdz Chung is a photographer based in Seoul and a serious golfer who started to make his golf magazine.

Photographer Jdz Chung with the D-Lux
Jdz Chung (@jdzcity) collaborates with various brands, magazines, and celebrities to create unique and natural-looking photographs. He particularly favors Leica cameras due to the brand's philosophy. Jdz believes that every feature or omission in a Leica camera carries a message that the brand wants to communicate.

Giorgio Galli

天美時集團 (Timex Group) 創意總監喬吉奧·加利 (Giorgio Galli) 每天都攜帶並使用徠卡Q2相機,因為Q2設計美觀,具備出色的光學性能和高速自動對焦功能,且使用起來非常簡單。喬吉奧尤其欣賞徠卡品牌對創新的追求和其精美的設計。
The thing is that when you don't carry a camera, that's when you see pictures in particular, or at least that's when you think you see pictures in particular. When you do carry it, if you do see one on the occassion that you do, you can take it.
Elliot Erwitt