A legend reinvented.
Since 1954, Leica M-Cameras have been designed to meet genuine photographic needs. This has resulted in rangefinder cameras that deliberately do not offer everything that is technically possible, but are limited to what is photographically useful. True to this objective, the Leica M11 also strikes a perfect balance between long tradition and technical innovation. Its distinctive, iconic exterior design makes it one of the most compact full-frame camera systems in the world. However, the interior of the M11 has been reinvented completely, combining the unique experience of traditional rangefinder photography with the latest camera technology for maximum flexibility. And its exceptional compactness makes it the ideal equipment for travel and reportage photography.
„The Leica M11 rangefinder camera sits at the top of the DXOMARK list of full frame cameras. Its 60 megapixel image sensor is among the best in the world.“
M11用戶可隨心選擇6000萬、3600萬、1800萬像素的DNG和JPG格式圖片:徠卡為M11獨家研發了具備三種可選像素的全畫幅BSI CMOS感光元件,這是影像技術的又一力作。同時,M11採用專利濾鏡技術,搭配徠卡M鏡頭可呈現鮮明畫面。M11還實現了旁軸取景模式下的多區域測光,讓拍攝者更專注於拍攝對象。
Maestro III處理器
徠卡M11流暢的操作體驗得益於強大的Maestro III處理器。擁有前沿算法的M11支持三種不同分辨率,使用全片幅感光元件達到前所未有的數字圖像質量,即使在3600萬像素DNG格式下也可無限連拍。
M11可從容應對各類光線條件。有了Dual Pixel Gain雙重像素增益技術,M11在ISO 64時可提供多至15檔光圈動態範圍。每一張照片均呈現精細的色調過度和低噪控制,質感自然而雅致。ISO最高值為50.000,可在極暗的環境下拍攝。而在強光環境中,速度高達1/16000秒的全新電子快門搭配高速鏡頭,亦可從容應對。
借助230萬像素、800尼特亮度、100% sRGB色域的高畫質觸碰螢幕,拍攝者可以仔細檢視照片細節。新增的拍攝狀態選單也讓重要功能一目瞭然,相機頂蓋上額外增加FN按鍵,用戶可根據拍攝習慣隨心配置。
The Leica M11 is a certified Made for iPhone® and iPad® product. As such the Leica M11 offers a seamless direct cable connection to iPhones and iPads. Simply connect your M11 to your iPhone using the included Leica FOTOS cable for fast photo download and control of your camera with the Leica FOTOS app. For iPads with a USB-C connector, you can use the original USB-C cable of your device. Thanks to the Bluetooth® function, connecting the M11 wirelessly to your smartphone is easy. The FOTOS app provides over-the-air software updates, remote control and geotagging for your photos.
徠卡M11首次取消了傳統底蓋。電池、USB-C接口和SD卡可更方便的直接插拔。在UHS-II SD卡之外,M11還配備了64 GB內存,攝影師可同時在兩種存儲介質中存儲圖像。
數位變焦功能拉近了攝影師與拍攝對象間的距離。徠卡M11在JPG和DNG格式下,使用Live View實時取景時,支持1.3倍到1.8倍變焦。DNG文件仍保留所有傳感器區域的圖像數據。
Over the last twelve years, Franziska Stünkel has been travelling with the Leica M for her photographic series COEXIST through Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia in search of natural reflections on shop window glass, which in their condensation tell of the coexistence of human life.
Over the last twelve years, Franziska Stünkel has been travelling with the Leica M for her photographic series COEXIST through Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia in search of natural reflections on shop window glass, which in their condensation tell of the coexistence of human life.
Joshua K. Jackson photographs the nightlife in London using the Leica M11 and APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 ASPH. His series showcases the exceptional image quality of the M11, even in the most challenging of low-light situations.
Joshua K. Jackson photographs the nightlife in London using the Leica M11 and APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 ASPH. His series showcases the exceptional image quality of the M11, even in the most challenging of low-light situations.
Sacha Goldberger recreates scenes by master director Alfred Hitchcock in a completely new way.
Sacha Goldberger recreates scenes by master director Alfred Hitchcock in a completely new way.