徠卡相機公司自2022年起一直是《内容真实性倡议》(CAI)的合作夥伴。這項由Adobe,Twitter 以及 New York Times發起的協議旨在為大眾提供真實可靠的數字內容。
配備 CAI 兼容技術的相機可創造透明,可靠的內容。 該技術首次使驗證照片的起源和歷史成為可能,從而證明其真實性。
Content Credentials Journey
Nick Rains 介紹: M11-P中的內容認證

"We're thrilled to see Leica pioneering the integration of the Content Authenticity Initiative's secure capture technology into their flagship M11-P cameras. The milestone is the world's first production camera to guarantee the source of images through the Content Credentials standard."
- Santiago Lyon | Head of Advocacy and Education for the Content Authenticity Initiative
- 徠卡相機公司監事會主席Andreas Kaufmann博士
"The integration of the Content Authenticity Initiative technology into the M11-P represents a revolutionary stride in ensuring image authenticity, highlighting our shared commitment to trust and transparency in the visual expression of our human experience."
- Gary Knight. CEO, The VII Foundation

David Butow 與徠卡 M11-P
Gain a deeper understanding of how Content Creators can utilize Content Credentials like "Why use Content Credentials" or "How do Content Credentials work?"

David Butow with the M11-P
擴大真相疆域,講述真實故事。徠卡 M11-P 是世界首台帶可根據CAI技術存儲元數據的相機。