

Wetzlar, 10 June 2024.

Rare Leica MP2 black paint from 1958 auctioned for 1,560,000 euros 

Over 400 lots, ranging from vintage cameras and lenses to historical photographic accessories, were up for sale at Leitz Photographica Auction in Leitz-Park in Wetzlar on 8 June. The 44th edition of the renowned auction series featured a broad variety of historical highlights, most notably a Leica MP2 black paint from 1958. The camera was developed for professional use in photojournalism; only six examples of its black paint version were produced. This particular Leica MP2 achieved the highest price of the auction at 1,560,000 euros including premium[1]. A prototype of the Leica Summilux 1.4/35mm lens was auctioned off for a good cause. The proceeds of 33,600 euros go to the charitable organisation “Licht ins Dunkel”. 

A special camera to mark a special anniversary

Rare, historic rangefinder cameras from Leica have always been among the most coveted lots at Leitz Photographica Auction. Even more so the black paint version of these cameras, which are extremely popular with collectors. The Leica MP2 black paint is a perfect example. Leica only produced 27 MP2 cameras, a test series from the late 1950s. Merely six of them were made in the black paint version. Accordingly, the camera proved very attractive to bidders at Leitz Photographica Auction 44. "We are particularly pleased that our auction house was able to achieve a result of 1,560,000 euros for the Leica MP2 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the legendary Leica M. The result emphasises the exceptional popularity that the Leica M system still enjoys today, both among collectors and professional photographers. It also speaks for the high level of trust in our auction house”, says Alexander Sedlak, Managing Director of Leitz Photographica Auction. A version of the Leica M2 first offered in 1958, the Leica MP2 was modified for professional use and can take up to 3.5 photos per second thanks to a special electric motor drive. The estimate for the camera ranged from 700,000 to 800,000 euros.

„Luxus“ Leica in original condition 

Uncommon cameras from the early days of 35mm photography are highly coveted by collectors. The Leica I Mod A. Luxus auctioned at Leitz Photographica Auction 44 draws the eye with its gold-plated body and special leather covering. Manufactured in 1931, the camera with the serial number 48438 is one of merely a few existing “Luxus” (i.e. luxury) models from Leica – and unlike most of them, it has never been restored. The estimate having ranged from 240,000 to 300,000 euros, the Leica I Mod. A Luxus sold for 288,000 euros including premium. 

Leica Summilux prototype for a good cause 

Traditionally, Leitz Photographica Auction dedicates one lot of each auction to a good cause. This time, the charity lot was a Leica Steel-Rim Summilux 1.4/35 mm lens, in particular, a reissue prototype of the classic lens. The latter was launched in 1961 and produced in several versions for over 35 years. The prototype auctioned comes from a small batch issued for testing purposes. It bears the special serial number 0000030 and shows four screws visible on the front rim, which are not present on the production version. The rare lens achieved 33,600 euros including premium. All proceeds go to the charity organisation ‘Licht ins Dunkel’.

See you again in Vienna

As always, after the auction is before the auction! Leitz Photographica Auction is holding two more events in autumn, both in Vienna. On 18 October, the photography auction “Gestures” will take place at the Leica Gallery Vienna. Subsequently the venerable Hotel Bristol on Vienna's Ringstrasse will host Leitz Photographica Auction 45 on 23 November. The Leica Camera Classics team is now accepting cameras and photographs for these auctions.For more detailed information, please visit: and 

[1] The additional fee (20 percent of the auction price) buyers are required to pay to the auction house. 

For questions regarding registration and bids, please contact:

Leitz Photographica Auction
Andreas Schweiger
T +43 1 523 56 59 – 18 

Press and media enquiries: 
Yield Public Relations
Leonard Häusler-Dworschak
T +43 676 50 22 609


Press Release Leitz Photographica Auction_44.pdf
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