Pure Mechanical Excellence
As a purely mechanical camera, the Leica M-A is a precision instrument that has been so dramatically reduced to the essentials that it opens up entirely new creative horizons for photographers. It may have no monitor, no exposure meter, and no battery, but what it does have is a mechanical quality that makes Leica’s 100 years of experience instantly tangible. Photographers can read the shutter speed and aperture directly from the camera and lens and so concentrate fully on their subject. The acoustic signature of the shutter release of a Leica M-A is a delight that immediately reveals the precision-engineered excellence of its origin.

Absolutely dependable
순수한 메커닉 카메라인 라이카 M-A는 본질만 남기고 모든 걸 줄였습니다. 극도로 정밀하며 사진가에게 새로운 창작의 장을 열어줄 것 입니다.
Form and function
라이카 M-A의 디자인은 내부의 정밀한 엔지니어링만큼이나 타임리스하다.
Two different finishes
카메라는 두개의 피니시로 존재합니다. 클래식한 실버 크롬 버전은 라이카 M 카메라의 60년 디자인 전통을 그대로 담고 있습니다.

전설이 깃든 역사의 증인이자 하나뿐인 레인지파인더 카메라 시스템입니다. 1954년 처음으로 세상에 선보인 이후, 라이카만의 디자인과 독일의 견고한 품질로 전 세계 포토그래퍼와 사진 애호가들을 사로잡았습니다. 세계 최초 카메라의 역사로부터 오늘날까지, M은 여전히 M이고 앞으로도 M입니다.

Form and function in a perfect design
The exterior of the Leica M-A is as timeless as the precision engineering hidden inside. For instance, the Leica red dot has been deliberately omitted to emphasise the classic restraint of its design as an ultimate expression of understatement.

Available in silver chrome and black chrome
The camera is available in two different finishes: the classic look of the silver chrome version continues the design tradition derived from 60 years of Leica M-Cameras. While an engraving on the top plate of the silver chrome M-A indicates its origins, only a closer look at its black-coloured counterpart reveals the Leica logo on its accessory shoe.

The favorite film of the Leica M-A: Kodak Tri-X 400
With its exceptional sharpness, fine grain, and distinctive tonal gradation, extremely broad exposure latitude, and very good shadow detail, the Kodak Tri-X 400 black and white film soon became a firm favorite and a classic for art and reportage photography. And it is also the perfect partner for the Leica M-A – which explains why the Kodak Tri-X 400 film is included in the scope of delivery of the Leica M-A .