
Summilux-TL 35 f/1.4 ASPH.

The fast classic
Summilux-TL 35 f/1.4 ASPH., black anodized finish
Summilux-TL 35 f/1.4 ASPH., silver anodized

Leica Summilux-TL 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH. 클래식하지만 빠르다.

새롭게 개발된 라이카 Summilux-TL 렌즈는 APS-C 포맷을 위한 새로운 표준 렌즈가 될 것 입니다. 그 어떤 렌즈와 비교했을 때도 뛰어난 퍼포먼스는 당신의 크리에이티브 가능성을 한층 넓혀줄 것 입니다. 내장된 포커싱 방식 덕에 렌즈는 포커싱 시에도 길이가 변동하지 않습니다.

Proofs of performance

기술 데이터 파일

Leica Summilux-TL 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH.
pdf 819.17 KB
Leica Summilux-TL 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH.
pdf 819.13 KB

Technical Data

Lens Summilux-TL 35 f/1.4 ASPH.
Order number Black anodized: 11 084
Silver anodized: 11 085
Compatible cameras All Leica cameras with Leica L bayonet
Field angle (diagonal, horizontal, vertical) 45°/38°/26°, corresponding to approx. 50 mm focal length in 35 mm format
Optical design Number of lenses/groups: 12/8
Aspherical surfaces: 4
Position of entrance pupil at infinity: -49.1 mm
Distance setting Setting/Function: Electronically controlled
Mode selectable using camera menu: Automatic (AF) or manual (M), in AF mode manual override possible
at any times with setting dial
Focusing range: 0.4 m to ∞
Smallest object field/largest scale: 220 x 147 mm/1:9.4
Aperture Setting/Function:
Electronically controlled, adjustment using dial on camera, third values also available
Lowest value: 16
Bayonet fitting Leica L bayonet
Filter mount/ Lens hood Internal thread for E60 filters, filter mount does not rotate,
external bayonet mount for lens hood (included)
Finish Black/silver anodized
Dimensions and Weight (without/with lens hood) Length to bayonet mount: approx. 77/123 mm
Largest diameter: approx. 70/81 mm
Weight: approx. 428/498 g

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Summilux-TL 35 f/1.4 ASPH.

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