
コード 13356


  • ライカMシステム用のフィルターは、純粋な光学ガラスを用い、平行面になるように研磨して精緻に加工されているため、装着した状態でもMレンズの性能をフルに引き出すことができます。フィルターのラインナップは、撮影に最も必要とされるもののみに意図的に絞られています。円偏光フィルターは、非金属面に反射するわずらわしい光を抑え、高コントラストと豊かな色再現を実現します。


The Leica filters for the Leica M system are made of optically pure glass, parallel plane ground and precisely annealed, so the full performance of the Leica M lenses is retained even with a filter attached. The range is purposely limited to the filters most commonly needed in photographic practice.

The circular polarization filter eliminates disturbing reflections on non-metallic surfaces, and helps to increase contrast as well as provide richer color reproduction.

A characteristic of polarization filters is that they show the same effect after each 180-degree rotation. The polarization filter for the Leica M is thus supplied with an adapter with a swivel fitting, allowing it to be rotated 180 degrees to in front of the viewfinder so you can assess and control its effect before taking the shot.
