Leica Camera AG
Am Leitz-Park 5
D-35578 Wetzlar
Tel: +49(0)6441-2080-0
Fax: +49(0)6441-2080-333
E-Mail: info@leica-camera.com
Website: www.leica-camera.com/
Executive Board: Matthias Harsch (Chairman), Michael Grimm (CFO), Dr. Ronny Fritsche (COTO)
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Andreas Kaufmann
Entry in the Commercial Register of the Wetzlar District Court (Amtsgericht) HRB 966
Turnover tax ID no.: DE112620703
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform provided by the European Commission: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Please note that we do not participate in mediation at arbitration boards according to the German Consumer Arbitration Act (Verbraucherstreitbeteiligungsgesetzt)