
New: Leica M11 Monochrom

Wetzlar, 13th April 2023.

Focused on the Essence of Photography: Creating Pictures with Light and Shadow

Wetzlar, 13th April 2023.

Leica Camera AG has always gone its own way, and its courageous decisions were doubted more than once. Success, however, proved the long-established company right. Even in 2012, when it decided to be the only manufacturer worldwide to launch a camera with a dedicated black-and-white sensor: the Leica M Monochrom. Today, in the eleventh year of the Monochrom success story and with a treasure of experience from almost 70 years of Leica rangefinder cameras, Leica Camera AG introduces the fourth camera generation with black-and-white sensor: the new Leica M11 Monochrom.

With its sensor completely geared to black-and-white photography, the Leica M11 Monochrom focuses like no other camera on the most basic of all photographic practices: the composition of pictures solely through light and shadow.

With the monochrome multi-resolution full-format sensor exclusively developed for the new M generation, the M11 Monochrom provides extraordinary black-and-white images. Raw files in the DNG format or JPEGs with a resolution of either 60, 36 or 18 megapixels can be created. In combination with the enormous ISO range of 125 to 200,000, the camera grants an extreme creative freedom when taking pictures. As a result, you get images with an unprecedented rendition of even the finest details, an exceptionally natural-looking definition even in difficult light conditions and an extremely low noise even in the high ISO range.


The 256 GB internal memory and the convenient connectivity to the Leica FOTOS app ensure an optimal mobile workflow. Via Bluetooth or the USB-C port, pictures can be quickly and easily transferred to the app and processed further from there. In addition, the camera can be directly controlled with the app and photos can be immediately assessed at the smartphone or tablet thanks to tethered preview. Moreover, the Leica M11 Monochrom is a certified Apple “Made for iPhone and iPad” accessory and thus offers unique options with the included Leica FOTOS cable.

With an all-metal body and a top plate made of high-quality aluminium, with a sapphire glass display, solid leather covering as well as black, scratch-resistant paint finish, the M11 Monochrom presents itself in a timeless and unobtrusive M design. Details such as the deliberate omission of the Leica logo and the dark chrome-plated coating of the optical viewfinder underline the reduced, iconic design of the new addition to the legendary Leica M family. 

Thanks to the build quality typical of Leica, the new Leica M11 Monochrom combines all the requirements of a premium camera “Made in Germany”.

The Leica M11 Monochrom will be available globally at all Leica Stores, the Leica Online Store and authorized dealers starting now. The recommended retail price will be €9,450.00 including VAT.

Please find further information at:

Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail: Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com

Press Release_Leica M 11 Monochrom_April 2023.pdf
pdf (293.1 KB)

Leica Camera – Partner der Fotografie

Die Leica Camera AG ist ein internationaler Premiumhersteller von Kameras und Sportoptikprodukten. Der legendäre Ruf der Marke Leica basiert auf einer langen Tradition exzellenter Qualität, deutscher Handwerkskunst und deutschen Industriedesigns, verbunden mit innovativen Technologien. Fester Bestandteil der Markenkultur sind die vielfältigen Aktivitäten des Unternehmens zur Förderung der Fotografie. Hierzu gehören neben den weltweit vertretenen Leica Galerien sowie den Leica Akademien u.a. auch der Leica Hall of Fame Award und insbesondere der Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA), der heute zu den innovativsten Förderpreisen für Fotografie zählt. Die Leica Camera AG mit Hauptsitz im hessischen Wetzlar und einem zweiten Produktionsstandort in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal, verfügt zudem über ein weltweites Netzwerk eigener Länderorganisationen und Leica Retail Stores.