웅장한 산속의 심플 라이프
웅장한 산속의 심플 라이프
"The 40 megapixel sensor also does a convincing job in low lighting."
The thing that totally surprises me is the quality of the image even in bad lighting conditions. That’s a new experience for me. I was able to photograph in complete darkness. For example, the picture in the goat shed. I knew the distance to the animals, so I set everything manually and I got a perfect picture, even at ISO 6400. I don’t normally go over 1600; but with the M10-R it’s no problem to do so. Without a doubt, it’s my new camera, because I can work everywhere with it. I can be completely relaxed, because it delivers what it promises.
이 카메라야 말로 제가 지금까지 기다려왔던 바로 그것 입니다. 지금까지 써본 것 중 최고네요
Dominic Nahr