Unity Through Diversity: Leica Camera Announces Winners for its Sixth Annual Leica Women Foto Project Award
A prestigious initiative dedicated to celebrating and empowering visual storytellers with a unique feminine perspective
Today, paying homage to International Women’s Day, Leica Camera announces the winners of its sixth annual Leica Women Foto Project Award. This year’s theme, "Unity Through Diversity," prompted photographers to submit a photo essay exploring the importance of connection in times of division, expressed through the feminine perspective.
This year’s awardees: Priya Suresh Kambli (US), Jennifer Osborne (Canada), Koral Carballo (Mexico), and Anna Neubauer (UK) were selected by a panel of notable judges ranging from award-winning photojournalists to renowned contributors to the world of photography. The selected winners from each of the regions will receive a Leica SL3 camera, a Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-70mm f/2.8 ASPH lens, and a $10,000 USD cash prize.
“Each year, our expansive applicants continue to inspire the community through reflection and celebration,” said Karin Kaufmann, Art Director, Chief Representative of Leica Galleries International. “The Leica Women Foto Project draws remarkable talent that showcases individuality at the forefront of their work. Each artist selected as an awardee have such a unique approach to photography and how it resonates with their own narrative.”
The Leica Women Foto Project serves to spotlight the way we diversify our communities through visual stories and emphasize female empowerment by its creators. This award has played a key role in broadening the reach of visual narratives, providing grants in collaboration with Women Photograph, Women Street Photographers and Photoville.
6th Annual Leica Women Foto Project Winners

“Archive as Companion”
US Awardee: Priya Suresh Kambli
Priya Suresh Kambli’s work is deeply personal and rooted in the context of the migrant experience. Inspired by an exhibition of vernacular hand-painted Indian studio portraits from The Alkazi Foundation, she began intervening with her family archive to explore themes of identity, memory, and belonging. Over the course of her twenty-year practice, Priya has revisited, reimagined, and recontextualized family portraits and heirlooms, building an archive that connects her to both her ancestral roots and her adopted land. Through her work, she reflects on absence and loss, navigating family dynamics to document their lives with a thoughtful and composed narrative.

“Fairy Creek”
Canada Awardee: Jennifer Osborne
Jennifer Osborne’s captivating photo series takes viewers deep into the heart of the Fairy Creek protests, where activists came together to protect the old-growth forests of Vancouver Island. Osborne began documenting life within the protest blockades a week before enforcement began, capturing the raw, unfiltered moments of those first days. She continued to document the protests for the first three months of enforcement, witnessing firsthand the courage and commitment of the activists. From diverse backgrounds, these individuals camped in tents and vehicles, fighting tirelessly to preserve the land. Through powerful imagery, Osborne highlights their unwavering solidarity and determination, showing how every moment spent defending the forests was a battle not only for the land but for future generations. This series, which documents the now-dismantled blockades and the trees they fought so hard to protect, underscores the profound significance of their environmental struggle.

“Blood Summons”
Mexico Awardee: Koral Carballo
Koral Carballo’s photographic essays blend photography and oral history to explore the search for identity among Afro-descendant and mestizo communities in Veracruz, Mexico. Through powerful imagery, she uncovers the roots of complex family trauma, inviting viewers to reflect on their own connections to the past. Her project Blood Summons (or La Sangre Llama), a popular Mexican saying referring to the call to search for one's ancestors, represents both her personal journey and a broader exploration of historical injustices. With this work, Carballo calls for reparation, aiming to foster connection rather than division, and invites viewers to engage with these stories and their own histories.

“Ashes from Stone”
UK Awardee: Anna Neubauer
Anna Neubauer’s ongoing documentary project, Ashes from Stone, is a powerful photo essay that portrays individuals who defy societal norms of beauty, strength, and identity. Through striking portraits, Neubauer showcases people from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds in empowered settings, amplifying marginalized voices and encouraging audiences to rethink traditional views of femininity and strength. The project challenges stereotypes, redefines beauty, and embraces narratives around family, relationships, and motherhood. Each photograph is accompanied by a personal narrative, deepening the connection with and humanizing the subjects, fostering empathy, and promoting a greater understanding of diversity.
Please visit https://leica-camera.com/en-US/leica-women-foto-project/about for more information on the 2025 Leica Women Foto Project Award.
100 years of Leica:
Witness to a Century
In 2025, Leica Camera AG is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Leica I, the first 35mm mass-produced camera, which was introduced to the public at the Leipzig Spring Fair in 1925. This groundbreaking camera exceeded all expectations with its compact, portable design, unlocking new possibilities in photography. Under the theme 100 Years of Leica: Witness to a Century, Leica Camera AG commemorates this milestone that transformed photography worldwide. Throughout the year, Leica will host international events in major cities including Dubai, Milan, New York, Shanghai, and Tokyo, showcasing cultural projects and exclusive special product editions. The highlight of the celebration will be the anniversary week in June at the company’s headquarters in Wetzlar. Additionally, the global Leica Gallery network will feature high-caliber exhibitions showcasing works by renowned photographers.
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Leica Camera 소개
Leica Camera AG는 150년 이상의 역사를 자랑하는 세계적인 프리미엄 카메라, 렌즈 및 스포츠 광학 제품 제조업체입니다. 회사의 성장 전략의 일환으로 모바일 이미징(스마트폰), 고급 안경 렌즈 및 시계로 사업을 확장했으며, 자체 프로젝터를 통해 홈 시어터 부문에 진출했습니다.
Leica Camera AG는 베츨라(독일, Wetzlar)에 본사를 두고, 빌라 노바 드 파말리캉(Vila Nova de Famalicão, 포르투갈)에 두 번째 생산 시설을 운영하며, 전 세계 120개 이상의 라이카 스토어를 포함한 자체 유통 네트워크를 보유하고 있습니다. 라이카에서는 2,400여 명의 직원이 근무하고 있으며 회계 연도 2023/24에는 5억 5,400만 유로의 매출을 달성했습니다.
라이카 브랜드는 우수한 품질, 독일의 장인 정신과 산업 디자인과 함께 혁신적인 기술을 상징합니다. 라이카의 브랜드 문화에는 사진 문화를 지원하는 활동이 포함되어 있으며, 전 세계 약 30여 개의 라이카 갤러리, 라이카 아카데미, 그리고 Leica Hall of Fame Award 및 Leica Oskar Barnack Award(LOBA)와 같은 국제 어워드가 이를 뒷받침합니다.