Leica Eyepiece


Perfect viewing without limitations
새로운 가변 광각 줌 접안렌즈 20-50 x WW ASPH에는 모든 APO 모델에 제공되는 악세사리로 이용이 가능합니다. 결과적으로 라이카는 이러한 척도상에서 매우 독득한 보기 경험을 가능하게 해줍니다.

이 접안렌즈는 물 속 17ft(5m) 까지 방수가 되며 최고 성능을 유지하고 김서림을 방지하기위해 질소가 채워져 있습니다. 새롭게 개발된 상호교환 가능 베이어넷 시스템에는 통합된 자동 접안렌즈 잠금장치가 있으며 이는 모든 접안렌즈들을 망원경에 안정적으로 고정시켜줍니다. 고무로된 외관은 더욱 안전히 렌즈들을 보호해줍니다.
Longer range, more insight
Natures beauty, butterflies, birds and mammals are fast, so is the Leica Digiscoping Objective Lens (35mm). Simply put the digiscoping objective over the eyepiece of your spotting scope and start taking photos or videos. You never changed so fast between observation and taking a picture. Feel digiscoping with the same intensity you experience observing. Zoom and focusing are used from the telescope. Experience the combination of your camera with Leicas experience in optics, perfect balance between vivid and brilliant colors of maximum neutrality and contrasts for your pictures.

Get closer than ever before
When you don’t want to miss any of nature’s fascinating details, you need to get closer. That is why Leica has developed the Extender 1.8x for Leica APO-Televid spotting scopes (angled viewing). In combination with the Leica Eyepiece, it allows 45- up to 90-fold magnification. With this unprecedented expansion of the zoom range, wildlife, nature and astronomical observations as well as digiscoping become an even greater pleasure. An integrated, automatic lock on the bayonet connector allows quick and easy attachment of the extender between the spotting scope and eyepiece. Thus, the Leica APO Televid can then be adapted to all applications in no time and becomes even more versatile.