Leica Store Seoul Cheongdam

Situated in Cheongdam area of Seoul, which is renowned as luxury district of South Korea, Leica Store Seoul Cheongdam is the only place in this area where you can meet all product lines of Leica. From S-system to Sports Optics, and firstly arrived new products are waiting for your gentle touch.

The round shaped wall is full of Leica Photographer’s beautiful images and art pieces of artists of different fields could be met in this special store also. Official Leica Customer Care is situated as a part of the store, which is very unique.

Leica Store Seoul Cheongdam

G floor, 420 Dosandae-ro, Gangnamgu

Opening hours
10:30 - 20:00
10:30 - 20:00
10:30 - 20:00
10:30 - 20:00
10:30 - 20:00
10:30 - 20:00
10:30 - 20:00
available for visitors (free for 2 hours)
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