"Nosotras" is a long-term project by Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA) 2021 nominee Graciela Magnoni. Titled "Us" in Spanish, Magnoni's LOBA nominated series spotlights the differences and commonalities between girls and women all over the world. Journey through the moments of joy and simple existence in the photographer's intuitive series, shot in thirteen countries and seventeen cities.
About Graciela Magnoni
Graciela Magnoni was born in Montevideo, Uruguay to French and Uruguayan parents. She spent her childhood and teen years moving between South America and Europe. For a period of 10 years, she was a press photographer in Latin America and during this period she covered the democratization of many countries in the region. In 2003 she moved to Singapore and started working on personal projects around the world.
Leica Gallery Singapore
36 Beach Road, #01-01, South Beach Quarter