A Revolution in Portrait Photography

The Noctilux-M 75 f/1.25 ASPH. is designed for the moment where closeness, depth and expression come together. This high-speed M-Lens allows you to capture the essence of a person, a gesture or a glance in its purest form. Every shot presents itself as a finely tuned dialogue between photographer and subject. Intense, paired down, personal. This lens is a tool for emotional portraits and visionary mise-en-scène. It not only brings light to the sensor but emotion to the image. This is where photography starts to be more than reproduction.

Woman model


Sean Hopkins

Leica M with an Noctilux

For over 50 years, the name Noctilux has been synonymous with cutting-edge technology that pushes the envelope of what is physically possible. Extraordinary engineering “Made in Germany” has formed the basis for this. The Leica Noctilux-M 75 f/1.25 ASPH. embodies everything expected of a legend: wafer-thin depth of field, phenomenal image performance and exceptionally soft bokeh – a photographer’s dreams come true.


The optical design really puts the spotlight on the subject through exceptionally detailed extraction, imparting images with a distinctive character. With a focal length of 75 mm, it is made for natural-looking portrait photography with an exceptionally close focus distance for this lens speed of 85 cm and a reproduction ratio of 1:8.8. A lens for M and SL photographers seeking something exceptional and aiming to infuse their imagery with creativity.

Lense Noctilux


Peter Karbe

只有高反差色散和低色散鏡片才能被用於設計和生產新款Noctilux-M鏡頭。這使得Noctilux-M 75 mm f/1.25 ASPH.鏡頭比Noctilux-M 50 mm f/0.95 ASPH.鏡頭有更強的畫面表現力。


點擊此處,瞭解徠卡鏡頭髮展部總監Peter Karbe對新款Noctilux-M 75 mm f/1.25 ASPH. 鏡頭的介紹。



The Noctilux-M 75 f/1.25 APSH. is a masterpiece of Leica optical engineering and stands out for its maximum lens speed, highest precision and exceptionally aesthetical imagery. With 9 lens elements in 6 groups, including two aspherical elements and lenses with anomalous partial dispersion, it has been developed to set the highest standards of sophisticated photographic design. The large f/1.25 aperture enables images with an extremely shallow depth of field, extracting the subjects via soft transitions that almost seem three dimensional. The harmonious bokeh combined with highly accurate details and natural colour rendering lend each image depth, expressiveness and character. The Noctilux 75’s optical performance positions it as one of the most exceptional lenses in the Leica M-System.

Cross-section of the Noctilux-M 75 f/1.25 ASPH.


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