
„Monaco: Hidden Gems - Undiscovered Treasures“

Anastasia Samoylova, Fulvio Bugani und Torsten Andreas Hoffmann
Anastasia Samoylova
Torsten Andreas Hoffmann
Fulvio Bugani

Monaco: a tiny principality perched on a rock in the sparkling Mediterranean; a festival venue, replete with stars and glamour. Some go there to see the yachts, visit the casino, and watch Formula One. For others, it’s home. Monaco has a thousand faces. And photographers have long been drawn to take its portrait. Some of these images have become iconic, just as Leica has become the iconic camera brand.

From the images of Grace Kelly first meeting Prince Rainier, taken with a Leica, photography has played an important role in shaping the image of Monaco. Monaco Through a Leica Lens shows the work of three distinctly different photographers, each of whom visited the principality in the Autumn of 2022: Anastasia Samoylova, an American with an observational style; Fulvio Bugani, an Italian with a journalistic approach; and Torsten A. Hoffmann, a German street and architectural photographer.

Three very different artists exploring the same place at the same time. What would they show us? The same motifs over and over again? In fact, the resulting pictures are strikingly different. Each artist had found their own unique world in the same two square kilometres.

We invite you to visit Monaco to explore for yourself. Take a fresh look and find a Monaco that’s truly your own.

Anastasia Samoylova, Fulvio Bugani und Torsten Andreas Hoffmann: „Monaco: Hidden Gems - Undiscovered Treasures“
2023/03/10 - 2023/04/29
Leica Gallery Frankfurt