
Agire con integrità è la chiave per un successo commerciale sostenibile e duraturo. La conformità supporta questo obiettivo attraverso la concezione, l'introduzione e la supervisione di misure appropriate. Il Codice di Condotta di Leica Camera costituisce la cornice etica per tutte le attività del nostro business e trova supplemento in specifiche linee guida come quelle per la prevenzione della corruzione o l'antitrust. Inoltre, Leica Camera AG si aspetta che i propri partner commerciali aderiscano a standard di comportamento assimilabili ai propri.
Compliance at the Leica Camera Group – our whistleblowing system
Every day, we at the Leica Camera Group do the best we can to create products that meet the very highest quality standards for our customers. Our efforts are characterized by a culture of responsibility, trust and respectful collaboration. We are successful and enjoy fruitful cooperation when we share and live by acknowledged values, i.e., when we act in a lawful and ethical manner. We strive to prevent risks and support our employees in doing so in a variety of ways. However, we are only human and infringements cannot be completely ruled out. In such cases, we want to face up to our responsibility. Therefore, we encourage you to report any suspected violation of a law or our compliance rules to us. This applies both for employees of the Leica Camera Group and for external whistleblowers.
Suspected violations can be reported (anonymously, if desired) via the whistleblowing system of Leica Camera AG:
Every report is handled in absolute confidentiality and always according to the principle of proportionality, be it when investigating the report or with regard to the possible consequences.
What happens after a report has been received?
In a first step, the comprehensibility and plausibility of incoming reports are checked. After consultation with the Chief Compliance Officer, an investigation is then initiated with the goal of removing any ambiguities and clarifying the reported matter. Facts of both an incriminating and exonerating nature are determined in this, as the presumption of innocence applies until misconduct is proven. Therefore, where this is feasible, accused persons are informed of the report and included in the investigation as early as possible, also in order to give them the opportunity to make a statement at an early stage. If the suspicion of misconduct is confirmed, the measures to be taken to prevent such misconduct happening again will be assessed. It is important that such measures are suitable, necessary and appropriate.
Other things you should know:
The whistleblowing system is operated by Leica Camera AG (headquarters in Wetzlar, Germany). Reports can be submitted in relation to misconduct by employees of Leica Camera AG or a subsidiary domiciled in the European Union. Certain data that is necessary for handling a report is processed. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.
We believe that reports will only be submitted when whistleblowers assume that misconduct has taken place to the best of their knowledge and belief. As a precaution, however, we would like to point out that a deliberately false accusation can result in penalties under labor, civil and criminal law.
Every report is handled in absolute confidentiality; every report is investigated.