在她的攝影系列中,蘇美拉捕捉到了芭蕾舞演員克勞迪婭·奇茲(Claudia Czyz )和女中音歌劇演唱家瑪麗亞·拉多耶娃(Maria Radoeva)的身姿。

New book
WAITING FOR THE RAINBOW. 10 Years in North Korea offers an in-depth perspective on life within this secretive nation, as seen through the lens of renowned photographer Xiomara Bender. This series presents a series of captivating images, providing an unprecedented glimpse into the daily lives of North Koreans, showcasing a rare authenticity never before seen. Through her lens, the enigmatic veil shrouding the country is lifted, revealing a captivating portrait of the people and the reality of their existence. This book is set to be a groundbreaking exploration that probes deeper into the social structure of North Korea than ever before.