
Leica is offering four new, attractive SL2-S Kits.

Wetzlar, 29th May 2024.

Available with or without lens.

In order to facilitate the first steps with the SL-System, Leica is now offering four new SL2-S Kits. The new kits include the camera body, the M-Adapter L for the use of Leica M lenses on the SL2-S, an additional BP-SCL 6 battery and a Premium Hybrid Glass Display Protector. This extends the range of applications for the SL2-S with the entire portfolio of legendary Leica M lenses. With the powerful battery and the display protector, the kits contain further useful additions for daily photography and videography. Customers can also choose between the Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-70 f/2.8 ASPH., the Summicron-SL 35 f/2 ASPH. or the Summicron-SL 50 f/2 ASPH. It is also possible to purchase a kit without an additional lens. 

The retail price of the new Leica SL2-S Kit with the Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-70 f/2.8 ASPH. will be 6.900,00 Euro including VAT, with the Summicron-SL 35 f/2 ASPH. 6.390,00 Euro including VAT, with the Summicron-SL 50 f/2 ASPH. 6.090,00 Euro including VAT and without additional lens 4.990,00 Euro including VAT. All kits include the M-Adapter L, the BP-SCL 6 battery and a premium hybrid glass display protector.

Find all SL-Kits at: https://leica-camera.com/en-int/photography/sl/kits 

Please find further information at:
Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail:  Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com 


Press Release New SL2-S-Kits May 2024.pdf
pdf (100.04 KB)


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