
Leica LUX

Wetzlar, 06th June 2024.

Leica Camera AG presents the professional photo app for the iPhone

Today, Leica Camera AG presents the Leica LUX app, a professional camera app that brings the iconic Leica Look to the iPhone. Leica LUX enables iPhone users to immerse themselves in the world of Leica photography and lenses and create the Leica Looks with their unmistakeable photographic aesthetics for the first time with an iPhone. The app addresses both experienced and entry-level photographers for everything from spontaneous snapshots to artistic photos. 

The ‘Leica Lens Look’

With Leica LUX, users can experiment with well-known Leica lenses without having to physically take a camera in their hands. In ‘Aperture-Mode’, iPhone photographers can take pictures with the characteristic signatures of a range of classic Leica lenses, among them, the Summilux-M 28 mm f/1.4 ASPH and the Noctilux-M 50 mm f/1.2 ASPH. Thanks to Leica’s proprietary image processing engine, which is based on machine learning and computer-aided photography, these lens simulations reproduce the unmistakeable look for which these lenses are famed, including, of course, the characteristic bokeh effect. This means that an iPhone can also emulate photos with the unique aesthetic of the legendary Leica M lenses. 

The world of Leica Looks

Leica LUX uses Leica colour science to offer a selection of colour gradations and film presets that emulate those of Leica cameras. These include options such as Leica Classic, Leica Contemporary and Leica Black-and White. When using the Leica Standard Look, the proprietary image processing in Leica LUX already displays colours and contrast differently and more naturally than the native iPhone camera app. With Leica LUX, the iPhone camera becomes the key to a world of powerful artistic expression, rich textures and impressive nuances. Each Leica Look has been developed to lend the captured image depth and character. 

Leica LUX features a powerful and intuitively usable automatic mode and also offers photographers creative freedom through manual control of important parameters such as exposure compensation or shutter speeds. This means that every aspect of a photo can be composed to reflect the photographer’s personal preferences. Whether used by an experienced professional or an enthusiastic amateur, Leica LUX is a tool that enables all photographers to capture professional images and simultaneously maximise their creative freedom. The unique feature: the app is regularly updated with new Leica lens profiles, Leica Looks and functions.

Leica Camera AG takes over Fjorden Electra AS

On 1 December 2023, Leica Camera AG took over the Norwegian company Fjorden Electra AS in the course of the development of Leica LUX. The strategic acquisition took place within the framework of the development of new business areas in the Mobile Business segment.

The business models of both companies ideally complement one another: Fjorden Electra AS brings extensive know-how in the development of apps and smartphone accessories, while the Leica Camera AG Mobile Imaging development team contributes its expertise in the areas of image processing and imaging quality. 

Marius Eschweiler, Vice President Business Unit Mobile, Leica Camera AG: ‘With the takeover of Fjorden, we systematically press ahead with our strategic growth strategy and further consolidate our positioning in the smartphone photography segment. In the future, customers will benefit from the combined expertise of two innovation leaders who have bundled their core competencies to open up new creative capabilities in smartphone photography.’

Dr Victor Henning, founder and CEO of Fjorden Electra AS, adds: ‘Our vision was to bring more joy and professionalism to mobile phone photography. The iconic Leica cameras were role models in our development processes when it comes to functionality, design and haptics. As long-standing Leica fans, our team is eager to further develop this vision as a part of Leica and simultaneously benefit from the company’s technical and optical excellence’.

Pricing and availability

Leica LUX will be offered as a so-called ‘Freemium’ model: the free version of Leica LUX includes access to the Automatic Photo mode and the Aperture Mode, including emulation of the Leica Summilux-M 28 mm f/1.4 ASPH. and five Leica Looks.

Leica LUX Pro (from €7.99 per month) additionally enables access to manual control of the exposure, focus and white balance and the complete – and constantly growing – current range of 11 Leica Looks and five Leica lenses. The range of functions, including access to exclusive Leica content and events and a series of other functions, is being continually expanded.

Note for journalists:

The app can be downloaded here.

Please find further information at:
Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail:  Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com 


Press Release Leica Camera presents Leica Lux June 2024.pdf
pdf (134.81 KB)


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