Leica M11 Monochrom
徠卡 M11 Monochrom
徠卡在旁軸相機的研發生產領域擁有近70年歷史,在黑白傳感器方面則有11年的經驗。在成功推出黑白相機11年後,徠卡M11 Monochrom作為專注黑白攝影的第四代徠卡M相機,正為此書寫續篇。
徠卡M11 Monochrom是一款操作簡單、拍攝精准的相機,能拍下甚為出色的黑白照片。它還能成為攝影師的靈感之源,為所有專注黑白攝影的攝影師帶來更大的拍攝自由度和靈活性,打造最佳視角,捕捉光影瞬間,呈現非凡圖像。
Unique monochrome M-Sensor
The exclusively developed fullframe Sensor with Triple Resolution Technology depicts finest details with outstandingly natural sharpness.
ISO125 to 200.000
Images with outstanding noise characteristics at high ISO sensitivities, thanks to omission of color filters.
Highest quality standards
All-metal housing in an iconic design, precisely manufactured by hand in Germany.
Fatma Almosa draws inspiration from whatever captures her eye, driving her to communicate thoughts and feelings in a universal language.
Fatma Almosa draws inspiration from whatever captures her eye, driving her to communicate thoughts and feelings in a universal language.
Black-and-white photographer Alan Schaller in pursuit of light and the perfect moment with the M11 Monochrom in Cape Town.
Black-and-white photographer Alan Schaller in pursuit of light and the perfect moment with the M11 Monochrom in Cape Town.
Andre D. Wagner's black and white photographs get into the heart of his own relationship with reality, translating the emotions and inspiration into evocative images.
Andre D. Wagner's black and white photographs get into the heart of his own relationship with reality, translating the emotions and inspiration into evocative images.
徠卡M Monochrom相機的誕生影響深遠,而如今徠卡M11 Monochrom相機再次帶來前所未有的細節呈現。M11 Monochrom搭載的背照式感光元件是對黑白攝影的誠摯告白。憑借像素最高可達6000萬的三倍分辨率技術,搭配雙層吸收濾光鏡片,並刻意省去彩色濾光片,成功將黑白影像的畫質提升至前所未有的水平。
徠卡M11 Monochrom開啓了光影創作新維度,致力於呈現無與倫比的圖像。即使在嚴苛的光線條件下,ISO 125至200000的巨大感光度範圍,使影像依然擁有令人驚嘆的動態範圍和豐富的細節,在高感範圍內也能將噪點保持在極低水平。
徠卡M11 Monochrom和其他M相機一樣,其經典設計散髮低調魅力。秉承簡約的設計理念,機身特意隱去了紅色徠卡標誌,光學取景器採用深色鍍鉻塗層工藝,只為用戶盡可能專注拍攝,全身心融入其中,悄然捕捉真實圖像。
徠卡M11 Monochrom相機大小恰好,輕重適宜。相機的生產遵循嚴格的質量標準,全金屬機身設計,頂蓋採用高品質鋁材製成,配備藍寶石玻璃顯示屏,並覆以堅固的皮革外飾。在徠卡M11 Monochrom身上,耐用、堅固和可靠並非一紙空談,而是可見可感的真正品質。
徠卡M11 Monochrom 自帶256 GB內存,支持與徠卡FOTOS應用程序輕鬆直連,助力優化移動工作流程。通過藍牙連接和USB-C接口,可快速上傳照片至應用程序並進行後期處理,還可通過應用程序直接操控相機,附帶預覽功能支持直接在移動設備上篩選照片。此外,徠卡M11 Monochrom 還經蘋果官方認證,適配iPhone® 和iPad®。內附徠卡FOTOS連接線,為攝影開啓無限可能。
鏡頭決定了相機的性能極限。150多年來,徠卡始終致力於研發生產卓越的高性能鏡頭,使其足以適配M11 Monochrom相機及其高分辨率感光元件。因此,這台相機和傳奇的M鏡頭能完美適配,共同打造非凡的圖像品質。
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