
Celebration of Photography 2024

Wetzlar, 11 October 2024

The Celebration of Photography was once again a highlight of the Leitz Park calendar this year, bringing together the international Leica community. The event on 9 and 10 October was not only a celebration of the winners of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, Davide Monteleone and Maria Guțu, but also a moment to honour the induction of Herlinde Koelbl into the Leica Hall of Fame. 

The 2024 LOBA winners, Davide Monteleone and Maria Guțu: This year’s two winners were honoured with the Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2024 at a celebratory ceremony at Leica headquarters on the evening of 10 October 2024. In the 44th round of the photography prize, the LOBA jury awarded the main prize to Davide Monteleone, who was born in Italy in 1974 and resides in Switzerland. In his series “Critical Minerals – Geography of Energy”, he scrutinises the complex geopolitical, social and environmental effects of today’s international energy industry with a focus on renewability. Photographer Maria Guţu, who was born in Moldova in 1996, was the winner in the LOBA newcomer category with her very personal series “Homeland”, which explores labour migration from her home country. Both series and the complete LOBA Shortlist 2024 with works from ten additional artists will be on display at the Ernst Leitz Museum until January 2025. More information is available at www.leica-oskar-barnack-award.com

Herlinde Koelbl in the Leica Gallery Wetzlar. On the same evening as the LOBA award ceremony, Herlinde Koelbl was inducted into the Leica Hall of Fame in the foyer of Leica Camera AG. The evening before, she provided a very personal insight into her work in an entertaining talk with Karin Rehn-Kaufmann. As a keen observer, experienced author and insightful chronicler, she has long been one of the most important German photographers and is known in particular for her long-term projects. With around 50 works from 10 series, the exhibition now open at the Leica Gallery Wetzlar provides illuminating insights into the rich life’s work of the photographer, who was born in 1939. The exhibition features photographs from the work groups “Artist Portraits” and “The German Living Room” as well as portraits of Angela Merkel from the series “Traces of Power”. The Leica Picture of the Year 2024 is a motif from one of her most recent series, “Metamorphoses”, in which the photographer explores the beauty of transience in the form of withering flowers. The Leica Picture of the Year is available in a limited edition worldwide exclusively through Leica Galleries.

Celebration of Photography – a place of encounters: The event was once again a great experience for all guests and covered, besides award ceremonies and exhibitions, a wide array of topics related to Leica photography.

We’re already looking forward to next year with excitement and anticipation, as this will mark a whole century of Leica photography, with the first Leica cameras being produced in series in 1925. 

Leica Camera AG would like to thank all staff, partners and supporters who made the Celebration of Photography possible once again this year. Particular thanks goes to WhiteWall and Weingut Leitz.


Please find further information at:

Please find further information at:
Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail:  Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com
Internet:  www.leica-camera.com

Press Release: CoP-Recap_October 2024.pdf
pdf (68.35 KB)


徠卡相機公司是一家專業生產高端相機和運動光學產品的公司。徠卡經久不衰的優良品質、德國工藝、工業設計和不斷創新的科技,奠定了該公司的百年傳奇。作為品牌文化的重要組成部分,徠卡為促進攝影藝術的發展開展了豐富的活動。除了遍佈全球的徠卡畫廊和徠卡學院,徠卡還設立了“徠卡名人堂獎”和“徠卡奧斯卡·巴納克攝影獎”(LOBA),後者被認為是當今最具創新力的贊助獎項之一。徠卡相機公司總部位於德國黑森州的威茲勒,另一個生產基地位於葡萄牙法馬利康新鎮(Vila Nova deFamalicão),分支機搆和徠卡零售商店網路遍佈全球。