
Leica Akademie Presents "Lost In Japan"

Leica Akademie presents a group exhibition of Japanese Street Photography, under the direction of Jesse Marlow.
2 people looking at some photos

Japan is a country that is full of contradictions. You can find traditional architecture nestled in the shadows of modern constructions while exquisitely dressed Geishas wearing kimonos walk alongside leather-clad punks.

It’s a place where neon lights and kawaii fashion trends coexist with serene temples and centuries-old customs.

For these reasons and more, Japan is just one destination being offered by Leica Akademie - the tour culminating in the production of a photo book featuring contributions from each participant.

Bringing together the best of two recent Leica Akademie expeditions to Japan, Jesse Marlow has curated an inimitable group exhibition of Japanese street photography being presented exclusively at the Leica Gallery, Sydney.

Lost In Japan
24/05/2024 - 31/07/2024
Gallery Sydney