
Leica Summilux-M 35 f/1.4

Wetzlar, 20th October 2022

An individualist returns

Leica looks back on more than 150 years of experience in the development of lenses. Since then, numerous masterly precision tools have been formed which have consistently set photography standards and redefined the boundaries of what is technically feasible. In particular, that includes the lenses of the legendary Leica M-System. One of these legends returns now: the Leica Summilux-M 35 f/1.4.

Since its launch in 1961 and after more than 35 years of almost unchanged production, the M lens has been enjoying great popularity up to the present day. The world’s fastest wide-angle lens at the time has also always been very compact and extremely light with a weight of only 200 grams. Last but not least, it convinces with its imaging performance and the unique image effect. Photographing with maximum aperture creates pictures with an especially soft, almost magical bokeh which is hard to achieve even with digital image processing. Its extraordinary pictorial look earned the Summilux-M 35 f/1.4 the title “True King of Bokeh”. Photographing at open aperture in backlit conditions creates intended lens flares that can be used for specific creative effects. At the latest after stopping down to f/2.8, it produces very sharp and particularly distortion-free pictures which also meet modern requirements for image quality.

Its relaunched edition is made in the Leica manufacture in Wetzlar – in the original vintage design and with the identical optical calculation of the first Summilux-M 35 f/1.4. Furthermore, the stainless steel front ring known as “Steel Rim”, the lockable focus ring and the black attachable lens hood are also modelled on the original. What is new, however, is the second, round lens hood with E46 thread which enables the use of filters and is also included in delivery.   

The Summilux-M 35 f/1.4 joins the ranks of the Leica Classic Line as the fourth member next to the Summaron-M 28 f/5.6, the Thambar-M 90 f/2.2 and the Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH.

The Leica Summilux-M 35 f/1.4 is available globally at all Leica Stores, the Leica Online Store and authorized dealers. The retail price will be €3,850.00 including VAT.

Please find further information at:

Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail: Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com

Press Release: Summilux-M 35 f/1.4_Oct 2022.pdf
pdf (56.38 KB)


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