Leica Sport Optics Partners

Leica Sport Optics continues its commitment to supporting nature and wildlife conservation and is proud to partner with four incredible organisations making their mark on this space. Learn more about our partners below.

Alladale Wilderness Reserve

An innovative 23,000-acre utopia created to restore the highlands ecosystem has made AWR pioneers in the world of conservation. AWR embodies the vanguard of nature and wildlife conservation. Its vision is to return vast tracts of what was once the original Caledonian Forest, a wilderness previously roamed by wolves, lynx and elk. Over the last 15 years over a million trees have been planted at AWR, damaged peatlands have been restored, red squirrels reintroduced, as well as being an active participant in the recovery of the threatened Scottish Wildcat.

You can learn more about Alladale Wilderness Reserve online at www.alladale.com

Curlew Action

Over the last 25 years the Eurasian curlew has declined by almost 50% across the UK. Curlew Action is a charity focused on creating a secure future for curlews through advocacy, supporting conservation efforts, and promoting both natural history education and wider engagement with the natural world.

The Eurasian curlew, Numenius Arquata; in Latin Numenius refers to the curlew's bill, it means 'new moon’, relating to the bird’s sickle-shaped bill. The Eurasian curlew is Britain’s largest wading bird weighing between 700 grams to 1 kilogram.

Together with Leica, Curlew Action will be hosting events and running an art and poetry competition. Leica provided equipment support on Curlew Action’s incredible 1000 mile fundraising walk from Southampton to Cape Wrath.

You can learn more about Curlew Action, visit https://www.curlewaction.org

London Wildlife Trust

London Wildlife Trust is a driving force for nature conservation across the capital. With their dedicated supporters and volunteers, they work tirelessly to protect wildlife across London.

Leica are proud to have partnered with the London Wildlife Trust, and supported them by funding the installation of seven new benches at their Walthamstow Wetlands site. As well as being a fully operational 211 hectare Thames Water reservoir site, which is the main source of water supply for 3.5 million people, Walthamstow Wetlands is also an internationally important nature reserve, providing home and shelter to a wide range of wildlife, from rare waterfowl to majestic birds of prey.

You can learn more about the London Wildlife Trust here: https://www.wildlondon.org.uk

The European Nature Trust

The European Nature Trust (TENT), creates unique travel experiences which connect people to wild nature and raise funds for conservation and wildlife projects across the continent. 100% of all donations to TENT are given directly to the conservation projects TENT supports, and each project has been carefully selected to ensure maximum impact on wildlife and local communities. TENT prides itself on long-term support of leading conservation projects on the ground. Continuation funding and dedicated conservation work over many years are essential to the protection of the Earth’s wild places. 

Last year Leica and TENT announced 4 joint Ambassadors, chosen from TENT’s conservation projects from across Europe. Mario Cipollone who spearheads the organizations Salviamo l’Orso and Rewilding Apennines in Italy, Pedro Prata the team leader of Rewilding Portugal, Carmen Rueda from CBD Habitat in Spain and Dr. Roisin Campbell-Palmer who is Head of Restoration at the Beaver Trust in the UK. Learn more about them over on the Leica Nature Blog.

You can learn more about The European Nature Trust online at www.theeuropeannaturetrust.com