Image of a girl leaning on a wall with a motorcyclist passing by


Alex Harrison Magrath與徠卡Q3 43

Alex Harrison Magrath是一名活躍於倫敦的肖像、旅行暨生活攝影師,Leica Q系列相機經常不離手。 

Black and White Image of Alex Harrison Magrath with the Leica Q3 43


Alex Harrison Magrath

Close Up Image of cute Cat in Greece
「徠卡Q3 43配備APO-Summicron 43mm f/2 ASPH.定焦鏡頭,為了如實呈現肉眼所見的世界而設計,以最自然的方式,協助我捕捉現實世界的美好瞬間。」
The Leica Q3 43, held by a man with lots of tattoos and a green jacket.
