Leica Store Munich Brienner Strasse
Brienner Straße 7
80333 München
距離位於“Brienner Quartier”的Odeonsplatz僅幾米之遙,您可以找到我們的徠卡專賣店以及徠卡各種攝影和運動光學產品。你會發現一切都會正中攝影師的心。 我們為您提供從小型徠卡C到專業徠卡S-系統相機的一切。 任何時候我們幾乎都準備好進行演示和測試。 慕尼黑的獨特之處也在於我們無與倫比的“二手”庫存,從最小的取景器到超遠攝鏡頭,一直有超過幾百件的品項。 從價格保守的顧客的相機,到真正罕見的珍藏品,任何人都能找到適合自己的東西。 我們很樂意協助販售您的徠卡相機或是整個系列產品,無論是委託代銷或者立即出售換取現金皆可。體驗參觀迷人的徠卡產品世界,並從我們經驗豐富的專業人員的建議中受益。我們期待著您的光臨!
Brienner Straße 7
80333 München
Changing Exhibition
Immerse yourself in our Leica Store with changing exhibitions. Both renowned artists and enthusiastic hobby photographers regularly showcase a small selection of their works in our Leica Store on Brienner Straße. Stop by and marvel at the diversity of photography.
BE INSPIRED BY: Daniel Mittermeier. In his photography, he places the aperture at the center of his artistic composition and sees the conscious use of it as the most important creative tool in photography.
Leica Pre-Owned
At the Leica Store Munich Brienner Strasse we are interested in new, used and historic Leica cameras and lenses. We will give you competent advice, and are ready to purchase your individual pieces and discounts.
Come by and we will evaluate your Leica devices and make you an offer. You are also welcome to give your older Leica equipment in down-payment for a new item, or we can sell it for you on commission.
The Store Team
The team at the Leica Store Munich Brienner Strasse is available at any time to give you expert advice, and looks forward to welcoming numerous visitors and photography enthusiasts.
Talk to one of our Leica product experts at the Munich store. We are happy to advise you concerning our Leica products, by phone at +49 89 26010000, or you can leave a message with your query to be contacted.