Leica Camera is introducing Leica FOTOS 4.0, packed with new features designed to enhance the photography experience for enthusiasts and professionals alike. The latest release of the Leica FOTOS app brings several exciting additions. Users can now enjoy the convenience of editing both photos and videos in the third-party app “Darkroom” and seamlessly display the results in the Leica Gallery on their smartphone. The app also allows for effortless downloading and viewing of videos directly from a Leica camera. Furthermore, users can transfer unique JPG-Looks to the new Leica Q3 camera, enabling customized shooting experiences that align with their artistic vision. In addition, the highly anticipated Leica Q3 camera offers up to 10 times faster downloads, reducing waiting time and allowing users to focus on capturing and sharing their photography.
The enhanced Leica FOTOS app is now available for iOS and Android devices, providing users with an elevated photography experience and a range of powerful capabilities.
Please find further information at:
Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail: Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com
關於Leica Camera
Leica Camera AG是國際性的頂級相機、鏡頭和運動光學產品製造商,擁有超過150年的歷史。公司發展策略包含將業務擴展至行動影像(智慧型手機)、高級眼鏡鏡片與腕錶的生產,並推出自己的家庭影院投影機。
Leica Camera AG坐落於韋茨拉爾(德國),第二個生產地位於法馬利康新鎮(葡萄牙),銷售網遍布全球,擁有超過120間徠卡專賣店。公司旗下有2400名員工,2023/24會計年度的營業額達5.54億歐元。
徠卡品牌是卓越品質、德國工藝,以及融合工業設計與創新技術的代名詞。推廣攝影文化是徠卡品牌文化至關重要的一部分,包含遍布全球的30間徠卡藝廊、徠卡學院,以及國際性獎項如Leica Hall of Fame Award和Leica Oskar Barnack Award(LOBA)。