The 2023 Celebration of Photography delighted its guests with top-quality photography and a varied programme of activities. For three days, the Leitz Park in Wetzlar was the setting to revel in the excitement of photography passion. Ismail Ferdous and Ziyi Le were the honoured recipients of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2023, and Elliott Erwitt was inducted into the Leica Hall of Fame. These causes for celebration, together with the complementary programme of guided tours, exquisite cuisine, a podium discussion, and insights into the new watch collection, ensured that the festivities made for an incomparable experience.
The LOBA 2023 winners: In the main category, it was the Bangladeshi, US-based photographer Ismail Ferdous, whose Sea Beach series convinced the jury. The images show the colourful diversity of visitors and tourists at the legendary Cox’s Bazar Beach, located in the most southern point of Bangladesh. The Leica Oskar Barnack Award in the Newcomer category went to Chinese photographer Ziyi Le. His touching series presents a sensitive portrait of the New Comer, a generation in search of its place in Chinese society. Both series, together with the ten projects chosen to complete the 2023 LOBA shortlist, remain on display at the Ernst Leitz Museum up until January 2024. With its selection of emotional and engaged photography, the 43rd edition of the LOBA once again underlines the significance of the renowned competition. Further information at:
Elliott Erwitt at the Leica Gallery Wetzlar: Following the LOBA award ceremony on the evening of October 12, Elliott Erwitt was inducted into the Leica Hall of Fame, in the foyer of Leica Camera AG. The American with European roots is considered one of the most important and influential photographers of our times. Born in 1928, the Magnum photographer has an enormous and unique body of work. He personally put together the selection of 50 of his best motifs for the exhibition at the Leica Gallery Wetzlar. In addition to legendary celebrity portraits and his preferred dog pictures, the display includes snapshots that underline his well-known empathy and sense of humour. One of his iconic motifs has been chosen as Leica Picture of the Year 2023: the portrait of a bulldog sitting on its owner’s lap was taken in New York City in the year 2000. The Leica Picture of the Year has a limited edition of 80 copies worldwide, which can only be acquired through Leica Galleries.
Celebration of Photography: The festive event began on 11th October with numerous tours of Leica headquarters and other Leica locations all over Wetzlar. Guests were introduced to the new Leica Watch. Another highlight during the award ceremonies on the evening of 12th October was a recitation by the British poet and author Hussain Manawer. The extensive programme concluded on the morning of 13th October with a high-calibre panel discussion titled A Commitment to the Truth: Photojournalism in Crisis? LOBA winner Ismail Ferdous, shortlist candidate Laetitia Vançon and photo editor and curator Lars Lindemann discussed the rapidly changing conditions for photojournalism today. Once again, the Celebration of Photography offered a rich and exciting repertoire of topics related to Leica photography.
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Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
關於Leica Camera
Leica Camera AG是國際性的頂級相機、鏡頭和運動光學產品製造商,擁有超過150年的歷史。公司發展策略包含將業務擴展至行動影像(智慧型手機)、高級眼鏡鏡片與腕錶的生產,並推出自己的家庭影院投影機。
Leica Camera AG坐落於韋茨拉爾(德國),第二個生產地位於法馬利康新鎮(葡萄牙),銷售網遍布全球,擁有超過120間徠卡專賣店。公司旗下有2400名員工,2023/24會計年度的營業額達5.54億歐元。
徠卡品牌是卓越品質、德國工藝,以及融合工業設計與創新技術的代名詞。推廣攝影文化是徠卡品牌文化至關重要的一部分,包含遍布全球的30間徠卡藝廊、徠卡學院,以及國際性獎項如Leica Hall of Fame Award和Leica Oskar Barnack Award(LOBA)。