LFI Magazine

LFI Magazine
Selected Leica Galleries worldwide celebrate Leica’s 100th anniversary with a special concept: in twelve exhibitions, a young talent pairs with a Leica Hall of Fame winner. Details in this issue. Also: Nicolò Filippo Rosso documents Sudanese refugees in Chad, Alice Pallot warns of algae infestation impacts, Leica Classic Marvin E. Newman showcases early color photography, and Alwin Maigler honors the human body in dance.
In the technical section of this issue, you can find out more about the new Leica SL3-S and read the second part of our article series about M prototypes.

I was photographing the scene as the girl called me, a pot full of food in her hand, inviting me to visit her family with whom she would have shared the meal.
Nicolò Filippo Rosso

The photographer Nicolò Filippo Rosso tells of an unexpected encounter in one of Chad’s largest refugee camps.

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