Professional video production.
Levin Mundinger producing ProRes RAW Video
with the Leica SL2-S and the Atomos Ninja V.
Levin Mundinger is a video producer and photographer who now lives in Melbourne, Australia after working many years in the german film industry. Together with the Atomos Academy and Leica Camera, Levin created an intimate portrait about the work of his good friend and artist, Chrisanne Blennerhassett. His setup for the job was the Leica SL2-S with Leica R-Lenses and the Atomos Ninja V display recorder. This combination enabled Levin to record beautiful 12-bit ProRes RAW video footage for a professional post-production workflow.
RAW Video provides complete freedom to experiment with the properties of the image and perfect every shot by modifying ISO settings, exposure offsets, and color temperature during the post-production.
Watch the videos to learn more about Levin‘s ProRes RAW workflow with the Leica SL2-S and the Atomos Ninja V and see the beautiful results in the final movie „Art Is Worthwhile“.