The Liberation of Limitation

There is something in me that drives me out there.
Alan Schaller
Narrative and reduction – two essential factors that are the hallmark of street photographer Alan Schaller’s visual signature. In dense, atmospheric images he manages to capture life in all its shapes and shades.
Outstanding images are never a matter of chance. They require dedication, courage and the will to do whatever it takes to see a vision realised. As an icon of contemporary black and white photography, Alan Schaller’s distinctive visual style works as a universal language understood around the world. Equipped with the Leica M10 Monochrom, Alan wandered grey and rainy London, shedding light on the liberating quality he finds in limitations.

"Since the beginning of his career, Alan Schaller decided not to look for colours, using a focal length of 24mm for the most part. These decisions helped him develop an eye for the interplay of light, geometry and humans."