The renowned jazz musician and Leica photographer, Till Brönner, begins his patronage of the Ernst Leitz Museum in Wetzlar with an evocative concert on 19th October, within the framework of the Celebration of Photography 2022.
The Ernst Leitz Museum in Wetzlar has had a new, expanded form for a year now. In addition to the special exhibition areas in the grandly-redesigned photography museum, there are four new and fascinating experiential areas where visitors are invited to participate and try things out. Exhibits from Leica’s corporate archives complement the history of photography in a diversity of innovative, interactive and exciting ways. To further add to the perception and appeal, Leica Camera AG has enlisted Till Brönner as a Patron for the Ernst Leitz Museum – after all, what would the history of photography be without contemporary interpreters and photographers.
Till Brönner represents a stroke of good fortune for the Ernst Leitz Museum, as his heart is passionate about two creative fields: he is one of Germany’s most distinguished jazz musicians, as well as being a great Leica photographer. His work has been presented several times in Leica Galleries – in particular, his Faces of Talent, a series of sensitive black and white portraits of artist colleagues. A number of his large-format portraits greet guests when they arrive in the entrance to the main building.
Till Brönner is performing in the Leica Gallery Wetzlar: on 19th October, the musician presented an hour-long program for invited guests. The exclusive concert was complemented by a talk, which also touched on his patronage of the Ernst Leitz Museum. Music and photography enter into a multi-faceted symbiosis once more.
“I’m delighted that Till Brönner has taken on the patronage of the Ernst Leitz Museum. Till is all together a wonderful person, musician and photographer. How lovely to have him and all his talents – especially for photography – as a long-term companion for museum activities on different levels.” Karin Rehn-Kaufmann, Art Director and General Representative of Leica Galleries International
“Getting to the bottom of things was and remains my credo regarding art. Knowing where you come from makes you strong. Knowing where you want to go takes vision and partnership. I associate both of these with Leica in Wetzlar. So, my patronage of the Ernst Leitz Museum is both an honour and a pleasure, as it’s hard for me to imagine a day without my metal, steel and glass tools. I look forward to working together with a family I have become very familiar with!” Till Brönner
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Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
Über Leica Camera
Die Leica Camera AG ist ein internationaler Premiumhersteller von Kameras, Objektiven und Sportoptikprodukten mit einer über 150-jährigen Unternehmensgeschichte. Im Zuge seiner Wachstumsstrategie hat das Unternehmen sein Geschäft auf Mobile Imaging (Smartphones) sowie die Fertigung hochwertiger Brillengläser und Uhren ausgeweitet und ist mit eigenen Projektoren im Heimkino-Segment vertreten.
Die Leica Camera AG mit Sitz in Wetzlar (Deutschland) und einem zweiten Produktionsstandort in Vila Nova de Famalicão (Portugal) verfügt über ein weltweites Netzwerk eigener Vertriebsgesellschaften mit über 120 Leica Stores. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt 2.400 Mitarbeitende und erzielte im Geschäftsjahr 2023/24 einen Umsatz von 554 Millionen Euro.
Die Marke Leica steht für exzellente Qualität, deutsche Handwerkskunst und Industriedesign verbunden mit innovativen Technologien. Fester Bestandteil der Markenkultur ist die Förderung der Kultur der Fotografie mit weltweit rund 30 Leica Galerien, Leica Akademien sowie internationalen Auszeichnungen wie dem Leica Hall of Fame Award und dem Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA).