Hussain Manawer
Hussain Manawer not only writes intense poems; his performances are also fascinating for his audiences. He has dealt with Leica themes on various occasions. At the Celebration of Photography, he surprised guests – and, above all, the Leica Oskar Barnack Award winners – with a very special rendition: on the occasion of the LOBA award ceremony, Manawer presented the gripping texts he had written exclusively for the winning series by Ismail Ferdous and Ziyi Le. The audience listened with delight to his powerful, touching lyrics. Heartened by this success, Manawer’s next poem emerged on the journey back home to England: “Welcome To Wetzlar”.
Manawer’s texts thrive on their great immediacy and direct approach. Born in Newham, the poet primarily draws inspiration from his personal experiences, which are often defined by loss and sadness. This makes him an important and emotional messenger; one who is also engaged in programmes for psychological health and mental well-being. Following the release of his debut collection, “Life Is Sad And Beautiful”, Manawar was the first British-Pakistani to spend two consecutive weeks on the Sunday Times Chart. His words have been seen and heard by millions; he works with numerous celebrities and the British Royal Family; and he was featured for the opening of the 2021 BAFTA Awards. His debut book is now taught in British schools as part of the national curriculum, and sold over 10,000 copies in the first few months after its release in 2022.
The starting point for Manawer’s successful involvement with the Celebration of Photography was a recent visit he made to the Leica Gallery Los Angeles. Gallery Director Paris Chong recognised the opportunity, recommended the author immediately and, after further discussions, he agreed to present the poems dedicated to the LOBA series at this year’s CoP. Manawer’s most recent piece, “Welcome To Wetzlar”, clearly expresses the inspiring experiences he took away from the important photography event.
Welcome To Wetzlar
By Hussain Manawer
Do I get to bring all of me?
Yes, that’s correct
All the parts of my creativity and individuality?
Yes, that’s correct
We can have panel conversations about the future?
The importance of traditions,
Do we get to hear from some of the the shortlist finalists from Leica Oskar
Barnack Award and then have time to view the new exhibition?
Yes, that’s correct
And not forgetting to discuss the challenges faced in our industry?
Along with the complexities and why we must maintain our authenticity
Yes, that’s correct
What I found in Wetzlar was
Open arms find loving art
Through a global culture
Made up of a family of international friends
For all of us
At different stages
Who shoot, capture, and tell stories
Through our Leica’s
Which I now understand to be
The photographer’s pen
Stories for traditions
With the lessons through generations they send
Stories for extremely challenging conditions
That the world has to fend
Stories for humanity
Where representation comes to mend
Stories, packaged magically
Captured through the lens
Welcome to Wetzlar
Home to Leica
Where the picture doesn’t tell a thousand words
Each photo becomes a story book
And if you look close
You’ll see
Around here the words never end
Welcome to Wetzlar