
Holly-Marie Cato - Heavy is the Mantle

Leica Gallery London | 1 October - 6 November 2022

Heavy is the Mantle follows Bishop Herbert Cato in the days before stepping down as presiding leader of City Mission Church. Spurred on by the nostalgia of attending Sunday service with her late grandmother, Holly-Marie Cato explores her fascination of Christianity within the Caribbean community, from swishing pulpit gowns, praise breaks, taking communion and the theatre of exhortations.

Heavy is the Mantle, is Cato’s debut solo exhibition at Leica Gallery London, exploring the spiritual and symbolic mantle of responsibility church leaders carry with reverence, and the task of passing that mantle and tradition on to the following generation.

This work is dedicated to the late Bishop Noreen Simpson who committed her life to serving the Lord and her community.
“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” Luke 12:48 NKJV

© Holly-Marie Cato
Close Up of a blue robe
Man with blue robe with lights in the background
Woman singing in the church
Holly-Marie Cato - Heavy is the Mantle
01/10/2022 - 06/11/2022