Leica Hunting App Y Calculadora Balística

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Leica Hunting App
Unlimited ease of use: quick connection, adjustment, measurement. Save ballistic curves and access them again and again. The Leica Hunting App runs on both Android and iOS. Simply download it from the Google Play Store or the App Store to conveniently configure your individual ballistics settings on your smartphone. Via Bluetooth® you can connect your Geovid 3200.COM, Rangemaster 3500.COM and Rangemaster 2800.COM to your smartphone and transfer your personal ballistics data to the Rangemaster. Select one of twelve standardized EU curves or create your individual ballistics profile using Leica’s online ballistics calculator. Memory function: Once you have saved your ballistic curves, you can access them again and again – and use them immediately. For maximum ease of use and powerful rangefinding.

Programa de balística de Leica
Gracias al programa de balística, disponible a través de la aplicación Leica Hunting y en línea, puedes crear, guardar y gestionar tu perfil balístico individual de forma rápida y sencilla. Los datos se transfieren cómodamente a través de Bluetooth® a los telémetros Leica Geovid 3200.COM, Rangemaster 3500.COM y Rangemaster 2800.COM. Esto le permite calcular la trayectoria de casi cualquier munición, teniendo en cuenta los parámetros relevantes para la caza, como el alcance de la bala, la altura de la línea de visión, la temperatura y la altitud. Para los visores de puntería Leica con retícula balística o ajuste rápido de retícula (BDC), puedes calcular tablas para la distancia y el valor del clic.
Para crear tus propios conjuntos de datos balísticos personalizados, haz click aquí.

Leica BDC – Bullet Drop Compensation
The BDC lets you adjust the reticle to various shooting distances. Using the calibrations, the reticle can be set so that the exact impact point is guaranteed on the target. The BDC is easy to use and functions with absolute precision in all weather conditions.

Leica Direct Dial
With a “direct dial ring”, Leica’s BDC works even more quickly and intuitively. Simply replace the standard engraved ring with a ring featuring range information, and start selecting the precise shooting distance. With 12 different rings to choose from, you can pick the best-fit one for your caliber and load.