Leica Brand Campaign “THE WORLD DESERVES WITNESSES” Presents Four New Ads to Mark 100 Years of the Leica I
With its international brand campaign featuring the claim “THE WORLD DESERVES WITNESSES” Leica Camera AG is celebrating dedicated photographers who have served as contemporary witnesses. To mark the centenary of the Leica I, the first mass-produced Leica 35 mm camera, four new ads are being added to the campaign, featuring a photo by Oskar Barnack. In doing so, the company is honouring the inventor and builder of the Leica camera in its anniversary year.
The campaign image “Radio Amateur” by Oskar Barnack was taken in 1925 using one of the first Leica cameras. It not only reflects the author’s sense of humour and the enjoyment he found in composing images, but also his wide-ranging interests. This exemplary image shows his delight in the development of radio – alongside photography, one of the era’s most significant mass phenomena. Like all of the ads in this campaign, the photo by Oskar Barnack bears witness to the radical change and innovation brought about during the era. The “Radio Amateur” joins the campaign under the claim “The News of the World Deserves Witnesses”.
The new ads in the campaign include images by photographers Jeff Mermelstein, Matt Stuart and Joel Meyerowitz:
- Sidewalk, New York City 1993 © Jeff Mermelstein (The Curiosity of the World Deserves Witnesses)
- Oxford Circus, London © Matt Stuart (The Unexpected of the World Deserves Witnesses)
- Paris 1967 © Joel Meyerowitz (The Dramas of the World Deserve Witnesses)
The four ads will be featured in print and online media and will be presented in the over 120 Leica Stores worldwide.
About the Leica Brand Campaign “THE WORLD DESERVES WITNESSES”
At a time when photography is easier than ever, the Leica brand campaign “THE WORLD DESERVES WITNESSES” highlights the importance of photographs as vital visual witnesses to world events and emphasises their value. The ads focus on famous Leica photographers who captured decisive moments in history with their cameras from their own unique perspectives. The images are more than just photos; they are important accounts from eyewitnesses – whether this occurs in the process of documenting global events or through fleeting, private and, sometimes, even humorous moments. In order to maintain the integrity and veracity of these accounts, the campaign is made up entirely of existing photos. No pictures were taken or composed, retouched or edited to adhere to any communication concept. The campaign was first developed by the advertising agency TBWA\PARIS in 2021. Leica has been adding new images ever since.
100 years of Leica: Witness to a century
In 2025, Leica Camera AG is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Leica I. First presented to the public at the Leipzig Spring Fair in 1925, it was the first 35mm camera to be mass-produced and exceeded all expectations. Thanks to its compact and handy format, it opened up completely new photographic applications. Under the motto ‘100 Years of Leica: Witness to a Century’, Leica Camera AG is celebrating this camera that revolutionised the world of photography around the globe. At international events organised by the Leica country organisations in the major cities of Dubai, Milan, New York, Shanghai and Tokyo, cultural projects and extraordinary special product editions will be presented throughout the year. The highlight of the celebrations is the anniversary week at the company's headquarters in Wetzlar in June. In addition, there will be high-calibre exhibitions in the worldwide network of Leica Galleries with works by outstanding photographers.
Please find further information at:
Leica Camera AG
Ann-Kristin Löhr
Global PR Coordination
E-Mail: Ann-Kristin.Loehr@leica-camera.com
Acerca de Leica Camera
Leica Camera AG es un fabricante internacional de gama alta de cámaras, objetivos y productos de óptica deportiva con más de 150 años de historia. Como parte de su estrategia de crecimiento, la empresa ha ampliado su negocio con la incorporación de Mobile Imaging (smartphones) y la fabricación de lentes para gafas y relojes de alta calidad, y está representada en el segmento del cine en casa con sus propios proyectores.
Leica Camera AG, con sede en Wetzlar (Alemania) y un segundo centro de producción en Vila Nova de Famalicão (Portugal), cuenta con una red mundial de distribuidores propios formada por más de 120 Leica Stores. La empresa tiene una plantilla de 2400 empleados y alcanzó una facturación de 554 millones de euros en el ejercicio 2023/24.
La marca Leica es sinónimo de calidad excelente, artesanía alemana y diseño industrial, combinados con tecnologías innovadoras. Un componente fundamental de la cultura de la marca es la promoción de la cultura de la fotografía, con unos 30 establecimientos Leica Gallery y Leica Akademie en todo el mundo, además de conceder premios internacionales como el «Leica Hall of Fame Award» y el «Leica Oskar Barnack Award» (LOBA).