Metallic sculpture with colourful details in front of a blue sky and branches.

The Beauty of Imperfection


There is this deep sense of balance.

Joe Greer

Whenever our society develops into one direction, there is almost certainly an opposing trend. In the midst of the „age of Instagram“, many photographers are rediscovering the unique feeling associated with shooting on film.

Opposing today’s search for instant gratification and the increased speed of life, analog photography encourages photographers to take their time. From putting a roll of film in the camera through to seeing the final images for the first time; the analog photographer embarks on an experiential journey. Equipped with his Leica M6, New York based photographer Joe Greer took a trip to a lost place in order to find out what he loves most about shooting on film.


"I‘m a life

Joe’s photographic work does not fit in a box. Always carrying his Leica M6, he wants to be ready and able to take a photograph in any situation life brings to him.

"My Leica M6 made me slow down."

Being a competitive athlete for most of his youth, analog photography encouraged Joe to take his time. It taught him how to see life in a more simple and balanced way.

More about the analog camera Leica M-A