Due diligence obligations in the supply chain of Leica Camera AG

Camera sensor

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - "LkSG") obliges Leica Camera AG to observe human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in its supply chain and its own business operations in an appropriate manner.

Policy Statement
pdf (73.7 KB)

With this declaration, Leica Camera AG reaffirms its commitment to respect human rights as a fundamental value both for itself and for its business partners, suppliers and customers. 

In accordance with Section 8 of the LkSG, a grievance procedure must be established. The procedure enables employees and external third parties to submit relevant information and complaints that indicate human rights and environmental risks and/or related breaches of duty.

Grievance Procedure

Please refer to the Procedural Rules for details of the grievance procedure.


Procedural Rules
pdf (95.36 KB)

Other things you should know:

The grievance procedure is operated by Leica Camera AG (headquarters in Wetzlar, Germany). Certain data that is necessary for handling a report is processed. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.


Privacy Policy
pdf (182 KB)

We believe that reports or complaints will only be submitted if the person assumes that misconduct has taken place to the best of its knowledge and belief. However, by way of precaution we would like to point out that a deliberately false accusation can result in penalties under labor, civil and criminal law. 

Every report or complaint is handled in absolute confidentiality; every report or complaint is investigated.